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usage bank-payment

Ygol InternetWork, Yves Goldberg
- 14/02/2025 11:27:00

Having an invoice
with payment mode/method "[sepa_direct_debit] SEPA Direct Debit for customers (inbound)" 

with payment condition to pay in 3 times:
1# mensualités de 30,00 € le 14/02/2025
2# mensualités de 30,00 € le 15/02/2025
3# mensualités de 40,00 € le 16/02/2025

How may I automatically add the due amount to a mandate? Based on the above example, I would like to have a payment with amount 30,00 added on Feb 14th mandate and another 30,00 on another mandate with date Feb 15 etc.

Maybe account_payment_order module can partially help. Any existing module could further help ?
Thank you.

Yves Goldberg