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Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
Therp, Tom Blauwendraat
On 12/17/24 18:07, Stefan Rijnhart wrote:
> Keeping the module as a standalone entity is the gist for me too.
I think the right way to go here would be keep the single source of
truth "with the module", and treat this the way we do translations: they
are managed using an external UI and can bypass the regular process of
PR's. This way, both technical and functional people can be happy. There
just needs to be an alternate review process on the new-UI-side where
people check if indeed the new documentation proposed is valid for all
versions and people don't just blindly push new documentation to all
"The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
byOdoo Community Association (OCA), Virginie Dewulf-
Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
byjoel.patrick -
Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
bySicurpharma Srl, Francesco Foresti -
Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
byAion Tech, Simone Rubino. -
Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
byModuon Team, S. L., Jairo Llopis -
Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
by "Ivan Sokolov via Cetmix OÜ" <> - 18/12/2024 22:36:00 - 0 -
Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
byMoaHub, Graeme Gellatly -
Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
byMetricWise, Inc., Adam Heinz -
Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
byIng. Rolando Pérez Rebollo -
Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
byMoaHub, Graeme Gellatly -
Re: "The plan" to help non technical to contribute documentation on OCA modules
byTherp, Tom Blauwendraat