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Re: EDI broker integrations

Camptocamp SA, Simone Orsi
- 05/12/2024 15:52:38
Hi Tom,

regarding the base: go w/ edi framework. You can handle any kind of exchange as it's agnostic.

Regarding the format: I'd stay away from EDIFACT if possible (we are using them on v16 but the format is really horrible and hard to inspect).
If you can, use UBL. There's a lot of work there that you can reuse (including PO export, despatch advice, SO import + OrderResponse, etc).

Feel free to ask more questions on the framework repo ;)


On Thu, Dec 5, 2024 at 12:02 PM Tom Blauwendraat <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Looking for some advice here - we have a customer that's looking for 
integration with an EDI broker. On their shortlist are Transus and Babelway.

EDI broker --> Odoo:
- Let down / let up: Create (Return) Sale Orders in Odoo, filling in 
customer ref, warehouse, expected delivery date, serial number / package 
number information
- RECADV: confirmation of order (apparently orders are created first as 
quotation, and then a message comes when they should be confirmed)
- INVRPT: inventory report, a message that is apparently sent when EDI 
broker wants to know if there is stock available

Odoo --> EDI broker:

- Create purchase order at client
- DESADV: represents a picking, so what is the content of each package
- Invoice, relay invoice to client

A quick research finds that these terms are EDIFACT terms and that both 
Transus and Babelway seem to support that format, and that there are 
alpha modules in OCA that implement part of the above: base_edifact and 

Does anyone know how to best go about this, and if there are other 
modules or Odoo base functionality available that can help?


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Simone Orsi

Full stack Python web developer, Odoo specialist, Odoo Community Board Member, in love with open source.
