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Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
Francesco Ballerini
I think we should ask @Redes to clarify what he actually needs, I have read his message like 3 times before answering and I still have doubt: from the start of his message it seems that he needs to change "how the field is searched" , but accordingly to his example it seems that he actually needs to change "the way the field is displayed".
I am aware that _compute_display_name() has a different purpose than name_search(), it all depends on what he needs.
If he only needs to change the way the field is displayed AFTER the record has been selected, _compute_display_name() will fit the case and I could provide a snippet. On the other hand if the goal is to change the way the field is searched (not how the field is displayed) please take the other answers as correct and ignore mine.
Il giorno mar 19 nov 2024 alle ore 11:53 Xavier Brochard <> ha scritto:
Hi in case you just need a shortcut for customers, you can use the 'ref' field in res.partner. Search its content in name or company name. Beware, it is case sensitive. --- Librement, Xavier Brochard La liberté est à l'homme ce que les ailes sont à l'oiseau (Jean-Pierre Rosnay) Le 19.11.2024 10:22, Redes Sociales JLBBERP a écrit : > Hello everyone, > > > I am writing this message because I need assistance with modifying how > searching a client while doing a budget works. > > > What I am trying to do is, instead of searching just by the name, I > want it to work like the following: I made a custom field called > "x_cliente_interno", which is a number to identify the client, and I > would like to make the search work like how product search works: If > you write either the product's ID or the product's name, it will show > you both fields merged from the data you wrote. Something like this: > > > > > > And when you select it, it shows the data like this: > > > > > > To sum up, what I am trying to do is that when you search a client, > the search shows you the field "x_cliente_interno" behind the client > name, like this: "[x_cliente_interno] client name" and it should also > stay like in the second image when selected. > > > Thanks in advance for the help. > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Mailing-List: [1] > Post to: > Unsubscribe: [2] > > > > [1] > [2]
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[Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
byJose Luis Baños Consulting, S.L.U., Alejandro Párraga Alcázar-
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
byFrancesco Ballerini -
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
byJose Luis Baños Consulting, S.L.U., Alejandro Párraga Alcázar -
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
byJose Luis Baños Consulting, S.L.U., Alejandro Párraga Alcázar -
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
byHolger Brunn -
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
byFrancesco Ballerini -
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis -
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
byFrancesco Ballerini -
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
byMoaHub, Graeme Gellatly -
Re: [Odoo CE 17.0] Help needed with client search on budgets
byIntero Technologies GmbH, Christian Zöllner