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[Odoo14 CE] Adjust reserved quantities for additional lots on detailed operations

Francesco Ballerini
- 11/11/2024 13:21:13

I am testing a very basic scenario where I have a "Product x" that I've received in 2 lots: 10 units  from lot-01 and 10 units from lot-02. 

I then create a delivery order where 10 units of "product x" are requested.

I mark delivery order as "todo" and while checking availability the automatic reservation is going to add a single "detailed operation" line with 10 units reserved of "product x" from lot-01, all good. 

But let's say I want to split delivered units by assigning 5units from lot-01 and 5 units from lot-02: I'm able to create the additional line and link lot-02 to it, but I'm not able to set adjust the reserved quantity on the line (although i'm able to set the done quantity). 

This is generating some inconsistencies e.g. when I print "picking operations" before the validation of the delivery order. I wonder if it's possible to manually adjust the reserved quantity on Detail Operation to cover this situation, do we have a module or maybe this can be done somehow and I am missing something?

--Francesco Ballerini
