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Big number changed automatically on float fields

Ing. Rolando Pérez Rebollo
- 23/10/2024 15:27:07

Hello, when trying to input very large numbers (with no decimals, 19 digits in my specific case) in credit or debit fields from journal items these numbers are changed on saving automatically with no explanation. The issue is easily reproducible in runbot Odoo 16 CE. I think a similar issue has been reported on github (

Steps to reproduce (from a user with full accounting features enabled), demo db from 16.0 CE:

- Go to Invoicing/Accounting/Journal Entries

- Create a new one

- In Journal Items add a new line like this:


- When saved we get:

A value with the last Nth digits changed.

I was able to debug in a local environment and my observations are:

  • Is not a problem from UI: emulating the creation of journal items from code gets the same results.
  • Is not a problem of visualization: wrong values are persisted into database.
  • At ORM level the large numbers are represented in python scientific notation, in this case 1.51337248356932e+18
    • From there python float "features" begin to work and the float part of the scientific notation gets transformed due to the way python stores float numbers.
  • If my tests are not wrong every single float field in Odoo is hit by this.

I think is rare nobody has notice this before. Maybe I'm ignoring some very basic fact about currency settings in Odoo that's why I'm reaching U for help or any creative idea.
