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Large Data Files

by "Jerôme Dewandre" <> - 20/08/2024 17:26:36

I am currently working on a syncro with a legacy system (adesoft) containing a large amount of data that must be synchronized on a daily basis (such as meetings).

It seems everything starts getting slow when I import 30.000 records with the conventional "create()" method.

I suppose the ORM might be an issue here. Potential workaround:

1. Bypass the ORM to create a record with (but if I want to delete them I will also need a custom query)
2. Bypass the ORM with stored procedures (
3. Increase the CPU/RAM/Worker nodes
4. Some better ideas?

What would be the best way to go?

A piece of my current test (df is a pandas dataframe containing the new events): 

    def create_events_from_df(self, df):
        Event = self.env['event.event']
        events_data = []
        for _, row in df.iterrows():
            event_data = {
                'location': row['location'],
                'name': row['name'],
                'date_begin': row['date_begin'],
                'date_end': row['date_end'],
        # Create all events in a single batch

Thanks in advance if you read this, and thanks again if you replied :)

