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Re: Highlights on my contributions to Odoo Community Association

Mohamed Alkobrosly
- 13/08/2024 17:07:46
Ok, it is really good and useful to refer to all the points that I still miss.

Some of this information is very new to me like mentioning the PR in a comment of the "Migration to version 17.0 #1446" PR.

In addition to this, I am not aware of what still missing to merge the PR, I only know that there should be two reviews, only!

But if there is still something that I do not know please help me to get it and fill the gap.

As all of that will be mentioned on the same blog post, and we all will benefit and the rest of the world.


On Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 5:51 PM Radovan Skolnik <> wrote:


first of all thank you for your effort. New contrinutors are always welcome. We all know the learning curve is quite steep from beginning but try to help.

I did quick review of your blog post. Few suggestions:

*) Update the formatting to make it more readable. After the first paragraph the font gets quite small and colors hard to see:

*) There is no need in my opinion to repeat contents of the links that ar provided. Rather focus on things that were not so obvious (if any) from the instructions.

*) "(7)    After pushing changes to your copy of the original repository on GitHub, compare your version ..." - you're describing standard PR functionality of GitHub. It would be better to say so.

*) "After that you can send an email on OCA mailing list, and you can ask if someone is ready to review your upgraded module and make testing on it." This actually is not really the way most modules are migrated - people usually do not announce their PR in mailing list. Instead they may mention (through @ in comments) the maintainer(s) of the module/repository to draw their attention.

*) One more think you could have done (and is a good practice) is mentioning your PR in the comments of "Migration to version XX.0"  - in your case

One more thing you may decide to include into your article and/or realize yourself: In your email you mention "you succeeded after a huge effort" and your "successful pull request". So far you have succeeded partially only - your PR passes required automated tests which is absolute necessity for it to be considered worth merging. You do not yet have enough approvals (you actually have none so far) and the required time limit has not been reached after that. I can't quickly find the document that describes this. Only after you gather enough (2 I think) approvals and that time limit passes the PR can be merged and considered successfull.

So I'd suggest working the additional steps till you reach the end of the process for your blog post (and first migration) to be complete.

Best luck and regards

    Radovan Skolnik

On utorok 13. augusta 2024 16:17:08 CEST mohamed alkobrosly wrote:

> Here is my experience with my first contribution to OCA:


> .html [1] I hope it will be useful to the new contributors.

> Thanks all,

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