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Re: pandoc-*.deb cleaning in OCA repositories

Acsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul
- 31/07/2024 12:49:08
In my experience, and from what I can read, unreachable commits get garbage collected at some point and effectively disappear from GitHub.
This makes sense, for instance when you need to remove security sensitive stuff that would have been committed by accident.

This is the main drawback of any force push operation: 

Integrators who would have pinned commits posterior to the commit that added the .deb files will likely encounter errors at some point, 
and will have difficulties to recover code that is identical to what they have pinned.

The other attention point I see is that weblate will enter in conflict for all these branches.
This will require a manual operation to rebase or reset all affected branches in GitLab.
So if we do this, we must make sure people stop translating a few hours before the force push.

Regarding the repo size, I'm also not convinced we will gain that much in practice.
In OCA CI, action/checkout fetches the last commit only by default, and the OCA bot has a git cache, so the effect is probably negligible compared to everything else that is going on.
And since the Odoo ecosystem is used to wrestle a huge repo, a lot of folks have developed strategies to save bandwidth (shallow clones, git worktrees, etc).

Also, do we know what will happen to PR that have been created after the .deb commit?

So yeah, sorry for the mistake, happy to change my mind if anything I said above is wrong, but at this stage I'm not convinced this is worth the manual effort and downstream disturbances.



On Mon, Jul 29, 2024 at 8:58 PM Pedro M. Baeza <> wrote:
> I'm more concerned about commit history after the file merge. Nothing more.

Try this if you want:

- Do a pull request with a migration.
- Copy a permalink of something of the migration commit.
- git commit --amend and git push -f
- Open the previous permalink and it will work.

Anyway, the path of these branches is still very young, and it is better to do it as soon as possible (also for avoiding more and more clones).


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