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Re: ODOO Update versions V.15 to V.17 - Historical data.

Tecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza
- 04/07/2024 08:59:26
On the contrary, I give more value to old data, and more with all the generative AIs coming. In this case, migrating the instance to v17 with OpenUpgrade (not yet there, but you can wait a bit or do a progressive migration - we do it constantly on our customers -) is the best strategy IMO.

I introduce another factor on your previous suggestion: you have to maintain the old system. Apart from keeping the resources used by this system, their foundation software, libraries, etc should be also kept, and this is more and more a burden as times pass by. And even worse, both the foundation and the old Odoo version become vulnerable, as they are not updated by their manufacturers at any point, so you have an attack surface that is also a concern due to the RGPD.

