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16.0 translations

Camptocamp France SAS, Matthieu Méquignon
- 20/06/2024 16:00:05

Hi guys,

We do have a customer which would like to translate a term used in a python method in a odoo module.
I know translations have changed a lot in 16.0, that and now field translations are stored as jsonb values.

To give you more context, here's a bit of code

Our customer isn't happy with the german translation of "Salesperson", which is "Vertriebsmitarbeiter", and would like "Kundenberater" instead.

In the previous versions of odoo, it was possible to create a `l10n_extra` folder, and drop a new translation for the term, and that's it.

Now it's not possible anymore, and I'm looking for ways of doing it.
For instance, if some python code is raising an exception with some translated text that you're unhappy with, you cannot change it.

I noticed there was a few issues on this matter on

I'm guessing that we aren't near close of having a solution from Odoo, and was wondering if there was anything in OCA about this?



Matthieu Méquignon
