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Re: Session storage in S3

Acsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul
- 21/05/2024 11:14:06
Hello Stéphane,

> We recently tested the OCA/session_db module with success, but if anyone had any experience to share on the multi-tenant side we'd be more confident ;-).

We have good experience with session_db. It has the advantage of being simple to deploy.
Multi-tenant is not an issue provided you use a dedicated db for sessions.
Do you have specific worries regarding multi tenancy?

Intuitively I suspect session_db or session_redis would have better performance than an s3 solution, but I'd be interested about the results if you do any measurements.

Best regards,

Stéphane Bidoul

On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 10:16 PM Stéphane Van Erp <> wrote:
Hello OCA community,

As part of a multi-tenant deployment with several replicas, we are looking to persist Odoo sessions elsewhere than in the container.

We recently tested the OCA/session_db module with success, but if anyone had any experience to share on the multi-tenant side we'd be more confident ;-).

Nevertheless, since we also use the OCA/fs_storage and OCA/fs_attachment modules to store attached files in an S3 environment, we'd be tempted to use S3 instead of the DB.
Do any of you know of such a module? Is it a good idea?

I'm sure I'll have other questions about multi-tenant deployment with k8s, but I'd rather keep this to one subject per e-mail.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

Stéphane Van Erp for iMio

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