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Re: update to the odoo community module shop

Odoo Community Association (OCA), Virginie Dewulf
- 17/05/2024 11:46:41
Hello Alexandre,

A huge thank you for taking care of this issue and fixing it!

I wish everyone a nice weekend!

Virginie Dewulf
Executive Director
+32 477 64 17 20

Le ven. 17 mai 2024 à 00:47, Alexandre Fayolle <> a écrit :
On 16/05/2024 10:16, Yoshi Tashiro wrote:

> OCA shop has been out of sync for about a year now if I understand the 

> situation correctly. I've seen people, including myself, comment on this 

> occasionally. Is this something tricky to fix?

Thanks for the heads up. I gave a shot at this and rewrote the scheduled 
actions that are synchronizing the repository branches and analyzing the 
code. They were processing things in a daily cron processing all the 
repositories and branches in 1 go, which was a sure way to get a timeout 
or a rollback.

I switched to a cron running every 10min and processing the 10 oldest 
branches. With the current number of project branches, this means that 
it should take about 1.5 day to process everything, without causing a 
huge load on the server (and then the branch scanning will restart from 
the beginning), so the average delay between a merge and the 
availability of the module on the "OCA shop" should be less than 1d.

I'll keep an eye on the progress in the upcoming days, to see if maybe 
one repo / branch is causing issues.

Stay tuned.

Alexandre Fayolle
Senior Software Engineer
Tel : +33 4 58 48 20 30

Camptocamp France SAS
18 rue du Lac Saint André
73 370 Le Bourget-du-Lac

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