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Re: New module for data synchronization between Odoo instances

ClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis
- 19/03/2021 15:26:07

the best repo for a module like this one can be

I'm not convinced, because that repo has no code and no activity.
I think OCA/server-tools might be a betetr candidate.

A question: why do you use audit_log as base and not ?

The problem has three big components:
1) capture events
2) pull/push between instances, and
3) apply/replay events.

The connector might be useful for 2) to push/pull data between instances.
For 1) audilog is the best starting point I found.
For 3) I'm still looking at the details, maybe base_synchro hos goos ideras to use.

Daniel Reis
Managing Director
M: +351 919991307
Av Doutor Desidério Cambournac 12 • 2710-553 Sintra, Portugal
