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Re: Issues with Travis

Akretion France., David BEAL
- 24/11/2020 11:03:46
Hi all,

Yes thanks for this quick reaction once again.

It seems travis helps us with a workaround to make us think that every cycle CI has an environmental impact.

If we could reduce these by 2, environmental impact will be reduced by 2
Ci tests:
- odoo

It's very comfortable, all our use cases are tested.

Yes we really need odoo tests too ...

... except if finally we accept compromise to only recommend and test OCB in OCA.

yes we can

It's an idea, let's the board decide, surely other possible ideas for environment.


David BEAL -
Odoo Intégration / Développement

Le mar. 24 nov. 2020 à 10:37, Yannick Vaucher <> a écrit :
Looks like we have now a $249/month incentive to switch to github actions.

Yannick Vaucher
Business Solutions Architect

Camptocamp SA
PSE A, CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone: +41 21 619 10 30
Office: +41 21 619 10 10

On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 at 10:16, Stéphane Bidoul <> wrote:

The board has decided to activate the $249/month Travis plan, which gives us 5 concurrent builds.

We will be evaluating options in the coming weeks

In the meantime, Travis is back and should work as before.

Best regards,


Stéphane Bidoul | @SBidoul
Acsone sa/nv | | +32 2 888 3120

On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 11:07 AM Stéphane Bidoul <> wrote:
Dear contributors,

As some of you have noticed, Travis has stopped running OCA jobs, as we very quickly exhausted the 10 000 credits they allocated after enabling the new pricing plan.

I have contacted Travis support to enquire about options and will be discussing with the board about a short term solution while we investigate longer term options.

I'll keep you posted.

Have a nice week-end,


On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 2:02 PM Enric Tobella <> wrote:
Count with me, I think your way is cleaner than my proposal of script (was using the maintainer-quality-tools in order to keep the same logic).
Thanks for your work
Enric Tobella Alomar
Centros Médicos Creu Blanca
Tel: 902 202 230
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From: Stéphane Bidoul <>
To: "Contributors" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2020 12:42:15 -0000
Subject: Re: Issues with Travis
On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 9:07 AM <> wrote:


> Let's see if the new travis solves the problem, as that will be easier to maintain. If it doesn't work we still can use github actions

All projects have been migrated to

That said I see the backlog is growing again. Travis is capping at 550
OSS jobs and the OCA queue seems to be at 60 or so right now.

If this situation persists we'll have to do something. I've started to
refresh previous experiments with GitHub actions
and I begin to see a path forward (some ideas in an example here
If it comes to it I'm willing to coordinate the work but I'll need
volunteers to help with the transition, as there will be many
different things to do.

Let's see how Travis evolves in the coming days.

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