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Re: Embed existing PDF into QWeb report

Axel Mendoza
- 01/10/2020 14:37:34
Hi Peter

You could just merge the generated QWEB PDF pages with the static PDF pages with the terms and conditions. Odoo have some examples using pdfmerge

Best regards

On Thu 1 Oct 2020 at 7:11 Peter Hahn <> wrote:
Dear contributors,

i have a client that requests to add their terms and conditions* as part

of the order report as the last page, but they have some order specific

data and specific styling around, so I can’t just append static pages at

the end of the report.

I am looking for a solution to embed PDF* into the QWeb report.

Quick search on the internet gave no result.

My best bet idea (not yet tested however) would be to convert the PDF to

embed into SVG and embed this and try out if wkhtmltopdf can handle this.

Any better ideas?

Bonus question:

Is there something readymade to append existing PDF to the PDF generated

by QWeb reports?

Thanks. Regards, Peter

* Terms and conditions is a PDF document I could store as attachment or

static file into the module in this case.

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