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Re: How can functional people "really" participate in OCA?

Stefano Consolaro
- 20/02/2020 09:58:05
Well, after a couple of days I think that there are some points to check:
1 Who we are? How many functional people are active in OCA and have theme to analyze?
2 What can be a tool to support a functional discussion?
3 What can be a tool to document a flow

So my proposal:

1-2 We (OCA) can set up a Functional mailing list, we do a bit of promotion and in a couple of weeks/months we can have some information on how many we are and what is the interest on these channel.
The mailing list for me is the best tool because there is a thread management, request a bit before replay, can be searced, can be viewed from who is out of the list.

3 Readme inside each module must be well done, but a tool that collects/organizes all the informations and has a "simple" UI can help.
In Odoo-Italia we begin to set-up a documentation tool using the Odoo original one with some little adjustment; you can give a sight here (obviously in Italian language) .

For example if you go to "Sviluppo" (develop), "Come fare una revisione" (How to do a review) you will see the content with a navigation list on the left; when you clik on "Modifica su GitHub" (Edit on GitHub)
    - if you are a member of documentation group, you can edit the page and directly save it with a commit
    - if you aren't a member, you will be request to create a fork of the repository an then create a PR (Pull Request) to submit the changes.

I know that some "pure functional" can dislike the need to subscribe to GitHub and use the procedure of fork-PR, but this can be a method to select/instruct the contributors and once proved the quality they can be enroled in the group; secondary Git management tools like GitHub have powerful features to simplify the proces.

Back to initial page, on the bottom there is "Repository OCA" / " "Protezione dei dati" (OCA Repository / Data protection) .
Here you will see the readme of the Data Protection - Privacy module ( translate in italian.
It is a simple operation of copy and paste of the module's readme.rst with little adjustment and the translation: apart from the content, it can be created a template for all the readme documents.

Stefano Consolaro
