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Re: Procedure for migration of OCA modules

by "Graeme Gellatly" <> - 19/01/2024 19:28:22

The Odoo and OpenUpgrade processes are technically very similar, except Openupgrade offers a more complete migration than Enterprise migration. Enterprise has a few more things like reports. Openupgrade allows you to take a lot more control over timing and scope and allows you to retain sovereignty over your own data. 

If you have ever viewed the Odoo migration logs they migrate 1 version at a time then next (indeed they do this for every single version like SaaS etc), but only for their own code.

For Openupgrade the process is the same, except 1. You need to have a system to trigger each version migration. The most common system is when it finishes I manually trigger the next migration, and 2. You can migrate any and all code you want along the way but typically it looks like this.

  • For every version migrated install all of the Odoo and OCA modules you are using.
  • For the final version migration, for your own custom code, you write the migration scripts to go from the original version to the target version. This saves the code effort of migrating custom code to work on 3 or 4 different versions of Odoo. 

With Enterprise you need to write migration scripts for all non Odoo S.A modules from the current version to target version. Usually, if there are a lot of these, and you are using primarily good quality modules such as OCA, that already will have migration scripts, the effort is much less with Openupgrade IMO, and many many Enterprise customers use OpenUpgrade for this reason.

On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 12:39 AM David Ramia <> wrote:

Hello, I have a question about migrating a database when we want to jump several versions, for example from v14 to v16.

Odoo allows you to migrate your modules without problem between several versions, but what would be the correct procedure for OCA modules since if I go from v14 to v16 all the v15 migration scripts are not executed. I know that OpenUpgrade exists, but I see that it is to migrate Odoo modules, I don't see anything with OCA modules.

Is there any procedure for this?


David Ramia
Consultor Programador
93 229 68 10


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