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Re: [SPAM] Re: Procedure for migration of OCA modules

Coop IT Easy SC agréée, Virginie Dewulf.
- 19/01/2024 13:22:49

You might find a lot of useful information in the latest Open Upgrade documentation, that was updated lately by Sylvain Le Gal.

Happy migration!
+32 477 64 17 20
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-----Original Message-----
Reply-To: Contributors <>
Subject: [SPAM] Re: Procedure for migration of OCA modules
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:02:44 -0000

Normally (hopefully) every migrated OCA module contains that version migration scripts. And then with OpenUpgrade they're triggered in order along with the core migration scripts. Even more, when an OCA module is merged into another or renamed, it can be (should be) declared in a dictionary declared in OpenUpgrade ( and that perform some automatic migration tasks that ease that kind of situation.

On the other hand, you should pass your database through each version migration, as otherwise you'd be missing important data transformations and your result would be very likely inconsistent.

El vie, 19 ene 2024 a las 12:39, David Ramia (<>) escribió:

Hello, I have a question about migrating a database when we want to jump several versions, for example from v14 to v16.

Odoo allows you to migrate your modules without problem between several versions, but what would be the correct procedure for OCA modules since if I go from v14 to v16 all the v15 migration scripts are not executed. I know that OpenUpgrade exists, but I see that it is to migrate Odoo modules, I don't see anything with OCA modules.

Is there any procedure for this?


David Ramia
Consultor Programador
93 229 68 10


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