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RE: Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
Re: Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
Re: Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
byHi Rafael,
Here the tools we are using in my cooperative, I hope it is
- Preferred BI Tools: Which BI tools have you found most effective or
user-friendly when integrated with Odoo? Any par ticular
reasons for your preference, such as ease of use,
comprehensive features, or compatibility?
We are using Apache Superset, for us, it is the powerfulest open source BI tool and has a good community behind.
It has a lot of different charts, including maps.
- Connection Method: What type of connection method do you commonly
use for integrating BI tools with Odoo? Have you predominantly
been using XML-RPC, or are there other methods that you find
more efficient or reliable?
We make queries directly from database.
We are useing Postgres Foreign Datawrapper in order to map all odoo, and any other source, incuding flat files, in other postgres instance and then we build datasets in order to make charts in superset.
We also use DBT if we need to persist any query for performance purposes.
With this solution we can show the informations in our dashboards in real time.
- Experiences and Recommendations: Any specific experiences, challenges, or
success stories you can share about integrating BI tools with
Odoo? Your insights could be incredibly valuable for others in
the community who are navigating similar decisions.
We have some financial dashboards (mis reports extended, profit and loss, balance situation) in superset.
We also have dashboards for companies like Som Conexió (telecomunications), Som Mobilitat (carsharing) that takes some information from Odoo and information from other datasources.
We can mount dashboards for any model in Odoo, and if it's necessary, joining the data with other datasources with foreign data wrapper.
Dear OCA Contributors,
I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to the knowledgeable and experienced members of the Odoo Community Association to gather insights on a topic that is of growing importance in our field - the integration of Business Intelligence (BI) tools with Odoo.
As we continuously strive to improve our business processes and data analysis capabilities, understanding the most effective tools and techniques for integrating BI solutions with Odoo is crucial. Therefore, I would be immensely grateful if you could share your experiences and preferences in this area. Specifically, I am interested in the following questions:
- Preferred BI Tools: Which BI tools have you found most effective or user-friendly when integrated with Odoo? Any par ticular reasons for your preference, such as ease of use, comprehensive features, or compatibility?
- Connection Method: What type of connection method do you commonly use for integrating BI tools with Odoo? Have you predominantly been using XML-RPC, or are there other methods that you find more efficient or reliable?
- Experiences and Recommendations: Any specific experiences, challenges, or success stories you can share about integrating BI tools with Odoo? Your insights could be incredibly valuable for others in the community who are navigating similar decisions.
Your feedback and insights will not only assist me in making informed decisions for my current projects but will al so benefit the broader OCA community as we all work towards optimizing our use of Odoo in various business scenarios.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your knowledge and experiences. I look forward to your valuable responses.
Best regards,
Rafael Blasco
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Konstantina Tsagkari |
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Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
by "Rafael Blasco" <> - 09/01/2024 16:40:16 - 0-
Re: Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
byNUMIGI Solutions Inc., Bruno Joliveau. -
RE: Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
byModuon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon) -
Re: Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
bykon.tsagari -
Re: Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
bycaleb -
Re: Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
by "Diogo Duarte" <> - 09/01/2024 19:58:58 - 0 -
Re: Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
byNUMIGI Solutions Inc., Bruno Joliveau. -
AW: Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
bySozialinfo, David Brühlmeier -
Inquiry on Preferred BI Tools and Connection Methods for Odoo
byModuon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon)