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Re: Contract with recurring card payment

Open Architects Consulting, Houssine BAKKALI
- 02/12/2019 11:46:29
Hi Henrik,

For our case, this is a subscription to a number of product for a certain amount of money. Contract in v 9.0 didn't fit the customer, an investigative press, specific use case as he didn't want to handle an invoice by product for some obvious reason. Then we added date slot to the subscription as they run a paywall access to articles and want to split the payment to the subscription to make it accessible to the most. And this is this last use case that we need to cover with automatic payment. So we need to handle an recurring payment plan wich and the integration to Mollie (will try to make it as generic as the customer budget will allow).

So far we didn't work on the estimation as we don't plan to start it before february or march 2020.


Le dim. 1 déc. 2019 à 15:42, Henrik Norlin <> a écrit :
Hi friends,

Florent, does your Slimpay module support VISA / MasterCard?

Houssine, Mollie looks interesting!

I would like to charge monthly for a subscription plus additional variable services. OCA/contract will handle the monthly invoicing, which should trigger automatic payments. SEPA does not work out of the box in Norway. So I will need some SEPA localization, or card payment. 

When would you have time to build a recurring card payment integration? What price would you estimate?

Kind regards

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