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Problem to filter a tree inside a form [management system]

Stefano Consolaro
- 01/11/2019 23:43:12


I'm trying to change the behavior of a form (Nonconformity in Management System) replacing a m2o with a m2m field, as a review of the issue #263 (

The field is the relation with immediate Actions immediate_action_id used in the Description tab.



immediate_action_id = fields.Many2one(


        'Immediate action',

        domain="[('nonconformity_ids', '=', id)]",



I did this:

immediate_action_ids = fields.Many2many(





        'Immediate Actions',

        domain="[('nonconformity_ids', '=', id)]",



Then in the view I replaced this:

<field name="immediate_action_id" domain="[('type_action','=','immediate')]"

                           attrs="{'readonly':[('state','not in',['draft', 'analysis'])]}"/>

with this:

<field name="immediate_action_ids" domain="[('type_action', '=', 'immediate')]"

                          attrs="{'readonly':[('state','not in',['draft', 'analysis'])]}"/>


Replacing the field in the form view permit to view all the Actions associated with the Nonconformity, but I want to display only immediate Actions.

I googled a lot but nothing I tryied allow me to show only Actions with type_action attribute set to 'immediate'.


Did I something wrong?

Some suggestion?


Thanks in advance.




PS: I hope this is the right list to post similar question.

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