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Re: How to auto pull only selected folder (addon) from multiple OCA repo into one repo.

PlanetaTIC - Penedestic Solucions, SLP, Francisco Fernández Nogueira
- 17/06/2019 10:07:56
Hi Kitti,

Another option is Anybox Odoo buildout recipe:


Missatge de Kitti Upariphutthiphong <> del dia dl., 17 de juny 2019 a les 8:22:
Thanks you Pedro, I will take a good look at it.

At first I was thinking about using Apache Airflow to automate git things (also to explore other aspect).

On Sun, Jun 16, 2019, 6:07 PM Pedro M. Baeza (Tecnativa) <> wrote:
Hi, Kitti,

With "manual" deployments, it's difficult to handle all the possible needs you have for an Odoo installation. Before created a deployment system, what I did is to git clone full repos, and add in the addons path only one extra folder, in which I made symbolic links of each addon I want to put in the database. With that, you only need to do git pull on each repository for updating it, but symbolic links will keep the same number of addons.

But then, pull requests come to be important also, because you can't wait for the PR to be merged for having it in the installation. And also to auto-update concerning addons, and to have staging environment...

So we created Doodba (DOcker ODoo BAse) as a general solution for deployment: It includes all the tools that our know how have recommended over the time, with all these questions solved: we have an addons.yaml file where you declare the repository and the addons, and they are auto-populated. You can put in repos.yaml possible pull requests and they will be auto-merged in your deployment. Auto-update, protected staging environment, Mailhog for checking outgoing mails, etc is the set of features you have.

For not being promoting only my solution, I have to say that other deployment methods have been done by other felow companies that are OCA contributors, like the pip system, packaging modules as pip packages and being able to do `pip install`, or other Docker based solutions like Dockery, Akretion docker-odoo or Camptocamp docker-odoo-project. Sorry if I miss any other one, but this is what I have in my head right now. Any other project can be mentioned as reply.


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Francisco Fernández Nogueira
Núm. Col. 1007 (COEINF)
+34 931 81 78 91

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