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ODOO Stock as WMS for Logitic Services

by Georg Notter <> - 20/05/2019 17:51:00

Hello Everybody,


we have a Logistics Service Provider as client that inbounds palettes into their own warehouse with 3600 pallet locations as a service for their customers.


They store only palettes with one product kind and do not operate pickings. It’s just an inbound/store/outbound operation for now


Example use case would be: 


A) Customer inbounds one palette A with 300.000 UNITs of Product A

B) Customer inbounds one palette B with 200.000 UNITs of Product A

C) Customer demands outbound of PRODUCT A with 500.000 UNITs

-> palette from move A should be choosen.


Difficulties are, The product is the deliminator for the package to choose for outbound by out customers customer.

He is requesting a number of products which needs to be computed into the optimum amount of pallets, which is the unity dealt with by our customer.



1) Shall we be build the Stock based on products from their customers.

2) We could use always the same product and use something like the lotnumber to track the prodcuts.


As it looks as we're going for Solution 1) but we wanted to ask, maybe somebody has already ideas on that.


Also we will develop some modules to make the workflows easier and publish them in the OCA.

Looking forward to share your experiences, how to solve this requierement!

Best Regards,

Georg Notter


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

We look forward to see you. Best Regards

Dipl. Ing. (Fh) Georg A. G. Notter