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Re: 17.0 branches

OpenForce, Francesco Apruzzese
- 13/11/2023 15:31:17
Will Ruff also be used on earlier branches or will it only be used for 17.0+?

Il giorno dom 12 nov 2023 alle ore 17:25 Stéphane Bidoul <> ha scritto:
Hi everyone,

The 17.0 branches are being created in all OCA repos as I'm writing this.

There are few news and improvements compared to previous branches, mainly in the pre-commit configuration:

  • It uses ruff and ruff-format instead of flake8, autoflakes, isort, pyupgrade and black. This will improve the performance of pre-commit runs. Note that if some PSC want to be stricter by enabling additional ruff rules [1], it is possible by re-running "copier update --trust" and answering the corresponding question.
  • The readme fragments are converted to markdown. This makes it easier for non-technical contributors, and is also more robust (wrt subtitles formats, for instance). This is already reflected in the OCA module template [2]
  • pre-commit creates a pyproject.toml file at the root of each addon, in place of in the separate setup/ directory. This is more intuitive (each addon is a little python project) and standards based. It is also more robust as some recent version of setuptools break our (and Odoo's) editable mode in some circumstances.
  • pre-commit generates README.rst and index.hml. This is for easier review of the module descriptions in runboat.
The migration issues had been created last week. Don't forget to announce yourself when you start migrating a module.

In case of problem, let us know of any problem by creating an issue in the repo template project [3]

Best regards,


Stéphane Bidoul

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Francesco Apruzzese

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