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Re: ERP Project Requirement

- 02/08/2016 18:37:38
Si nos llego el correo.
Ahora mismo estamos en revsion general de odoo 9 para puesta en produccion de un sistema. Como indicas es un poco complicado sobre todo porque la parte contable no esta como se quisiera (como la version odoo 8) en odoo 9.
En concreto nos gustaría poder tener:

  • Pagos desde el backend o desde para clientes y que esos pagos se integren en el POS  para poder realizar un cierre de caja completo.
  • En el balance general nos gustaría poder ver las cuentas y sus movimientos tal cual se puede tener en la versión de pago odoo.

Aguardo sus comentarios.

Ing. Fernando D.
Soporte TI.

Direc.:Centro Comercial Mutualista Pasillo Fortuna Local " C-10"
Telefono:(591-3) - Movil: 708.36.948
Skype : bolsystem_soporte
Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

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2016-08-01 16:53 GMT-04:00 Samuel Carter <>:





I am just following up to know if you had a chance to review my previous email.


Reply back with your data specification, if this sparks your interest


Keep me posted if you are currently looking for any other database.




From: Samuel Carter []
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 1:57 PM
To: ''
Subject: ERP Project Requirement




Majority of ERP Users are not happy with complex process they have to go through or unable to access some of the bundled features.


Wouldnt you be interested in helping them easen up the process or switch to different platform


we have contactbase of all ERP and CRM users worldwide (Majority of them include topmanagement in IT depts), categorized as per Business Sectors /per industry specifics


Some of the major sector specifics we have covered are:  Distribution, Healthcare and science, construction, Government, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals,Electronics, financial services etc.


Here are some of the ERP's we have covered  BMC, Deltek, IBM, Infor ERP, JD Edwards, MS BizTalk Server, MS Dynamics, Oracle E-Business, ERP, SAP NetWeaver, Siemens PLM, Sitecore, Software AG etc.


We can also assist you in reaching out to the CRM users list of:-

CRM users list:- MS Dynamic CRM, MS Exchange Server, Siebel, SAP CRM, Salesforce, IBM Lotus, Pivotal CRM, SPSS, SugarCRM etc,  if you are interested in it.


Please let me know if you are interested in this.


Appreciate your thoughts and look forward to hear from you soon.


Best regards,

Samuel Carter

Demand Generation manager


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