Accounting mailing list archives


Re: Module to create an account by partner

Vauxoo, Nhomar Hernández
- 21/05/2016 03:21:54

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Ermin Trevisan <> wrote:
One should never forget: accounting is for the tax authorities only, for managing your business you need controlling. Nobody earns a single dollar with accounting except third party accountants. :-)

I can not be against you on that statement, but when you start to see the accounting just for Tax authorities, then you lose a lot of basic concepts that are since century XV availables and very very well managed.

Let's say that you are not failing in your statement, but the ones that simply understand accounting are Ok.! also... And it is not because they are less than other and/or old people and so on.

When doubts are to high, go to basic principles...

Remember the less than 20% of countries in the world has Accouting ledgers standirized by law, and If you can not analyze your company with taxes to understand it behavior then you are wasting the effort.

Why have 2 ways of understand accounting if there is one very solid with +500 years working?.

We the IT guys are guilty of that. :-)

BTW: My point is that I do not like put labels to people that with strong basements have good reasons to do things in one specific way "Labels like Obsollete and Old model and Legacy" that's not true and is not fear. (IMHO).

I have several case (as I said) where the approach give huge benefits... May be you have a "Different" way.... but by default it is not "Better" it is just "Different."

Nhomar Hernandez
CEO Vauxoo.
Twitter: @nhomar
Odoo Gold Partner
Skype: nhomar00 (Envia mail previo no lo superviso siempre).
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