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Requesting help to review currency rate inverted/currency exchange rate module

OpenSynergy Indonesia, Andhitia Rama
- 06/01/2016 13:13:52
Hi community,

I would like to request a help to review (hopefully merged) these modules:

Odoo use indirect exchange method to convert currency. Countries with weak currency will have a difficulties with this indirect method. Assuming:
  • Base currency IDR
  • 1 USD == 13,863.00 IDR

User will have to input 1.00 / 13863.00 = 0.000072134. With currency rate decimal accuracy user can only input 0.000072. This will create miscalculation on almost currency exchange.

Those modules provide a mechanism to use direct exchange method for currency rate. Instead input 0.000072, user in countries with week exchange rate can input 13,863.00.

Those two modules have a different approach to solve this problem. Any of those modules or even combination of two will be a good addition for odoo accounting functionality.

Since i created the later one, I'll be willing to work combining both modules if it's more useful.

Thanks in advance.

Andhitia Rama