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SEPA credit transfer : what if vendor's name is not the same as bank account owner official name

Coop IT Easy SC agréée, Virginie Dewulf.
- 13/08/2020 16:21:24


I have a question for a quite specific case.

One customer uses this module to generate payement orders that he imports to the bank, in order to pay vendor's bills.

In the database, the vendor's name is often a name linked to the brand of the vendor. It's useful to link some products to the vendor, because the brand is clearer than the official name.

Exemple : HoneyFun is linked to black honey, yellow honey products.

The official name is not set in Odoo (currently) but it's the one that should appear on the generated file to be imported to the bank. 

Otherwise, the bank rejects the SEPA file, telling that the name is not consistent with the official bank account's owner.

What should we do in this case?

I thought of creating 2 vendors, one with official name (just to be selected on the payement line before generating the SEPA file), and the other with the brand name, used for the link of products, stocks, invoicing.

It's not a good idea because at the end of the process, it's impossible to indicate that the file was successfully imported, because the partner on invoice and on payement line is not the same anymore.

I thought of another thing, but this would require some changes on the module :

1. On the bank itself, be able to indicate an official name:

2. When generating the SEPA file, use the official name instead of the brandname, just for the generation of the file (not anything more).

Has anyone else experienced the same issue?
What do you think of my idea to solve this?

Thanks a lot!
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