2017 Barcelona Code Sprint mailing list archives
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Welcome to the Barcelona OCA Code Sprint!
ForgeFlow, S.L., Jordi Ballester Alomar
Dear OCA Sprinters,
You have all registered to the Barcelona OCA Code Sprint that will take place from 29th to 31st of may in Barcelona.
I have registered the distribution list 2017barcelonacodesprint@odoo-community.org in order to better coordinate before and during the event.
First and most important, have all of you secured your hotel reservations and flights? If you have any issue, please let us know ASAP so that we can help you if needed.
We should start to organize the code sprint in terms of defining what topics would we like to cover.
I created a survey so that you can register the proposed topics:
I will provide you feedback on the results every day.
-- Jordi Ballester Alomar
CEO & Founder | Eficent
(+34) 629530707 | jordi.ballester@eficent.com | http://www.eficent.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jbeficent_erp | Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordiballesteralomar