Chinese localization created in OCA Github!
l10n-china will gather China, Macau and Hong Kong localizations

A new OCA repository is available to host any development related to the Chinese localization.

You can use it without restriction, but even better, you can very easily contribute to it as team member!

Contact the project representative

OCA repository l10n-china is hosted in Github

A new repo is born!

A new repository has been created to gather the modules related to the localization of Popular Republic of China, including Hong Kong and Macau. To be noted that a specific repository has been created for Taiwan.

This l10n-china repository is hosted in Github and might contain any module related to:

  • Accounting localization (chart of accounts, "fapiao", sequencing, etc.)
  • Payroll localization
  • Specific Chinese payment methods (Alipay, Union Pay, Wechat)
  • Specific connectors (Wechat, Taobao, Tmall, JD)
  • Specific website modules ("get-rid-of-google-content" modules, ICP BeiAn etc.)
  • Other specific modules (Link to courrier companies, etc.)
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The Odoo Community Association, or OCA, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the code?

The repository is hosted in github from where it can be downloaded. In a terminal simply use this command to get the code: 

git clone

You can get all OCA modules in the Odoo apps center

Where can I report a bug, propose a module, comment on existing modules?

All the code management is centralized on github.

How can I actively contribute to the l10n-china repository?

You can find general guidelines about contribution to the OCA here.

If you want to contribute to this particular project, the steps are simple:

  1. Get a github account if not done yet: even for functional contributions (description, documentation etc.) you will need to access github for download, bug reporting or comments.
  2. Contact the PSC representative
  3. Sign the CLA (individual if you are a single individual, Entity if you have several employees from a same organization contributing) and send it to cla AT, including your github login
  4. As of this moment, you will be able to clone the repository, modify it and submit commit for review!
Subscribe to the China mailing list to stay tuned with the latest news.

Which licenses are used for the modules?

Mostly AGPLv3 but any contribution with OSI compatible license with AGPL is welcome (LGPLv3 etc.).

What are the rules I should follow?

There are not that many rules to follow but still:

  • To contribute with the OCA you need to sign a Contributor License Agreement to allow the OCA to manage the repository in the name of all the authors.
  • Proposed modules must follow the contribution rules available here. Make sure to ease the work of the reviewers preparing the code (New API, PEP8, comments, Modules description, license and basic mispelling etc.)
  • Main communication language is English but specially for localization, other languages are accepted.
  • General behavior and politeness are obviously to be followed in the communication
  • Authorship of the contribution is to be recognized all over the versions
  • Don't forget that the community works if every member gives and takes! If possible try to review other contributors commits for example

Chinese localization created in OCA Github!
Elico Corp, Eric Caudal 5 August, 2015
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