Translations platform
Switch from Transifex to Weblate

Hi all,

We flipped the switch! Bye bye Transifex you served us well.

Here is some information to get you started with the new workflow.

TL;DR, for translators
  • Register on using your github login
  • Send an email to mentioning your github login, and saying which language(s) you want to translate.
  • Translate using standard Weblate features. You may want to have a look at the Weblate translator guide. Your translations will be merged after 24 hours (we may reduce that delay in the future).
  • You will see there is one project per GitHub project and branch, and inside each project, one component per addon (only addons with a .pot file).
  • You can start a new translation in Weblate if your language is not yet present for a given module.
  • Your favourite project/branch/addon is probably not there yet: read below to understand when it will appear.
Note there is currently no review process for translations. So translate wisely, look for context and strive for consistency.
Important: always translate using Weblate, and never push changes to .po files manually. This simple rule will avoid all merge conflicts, as all .pot file changes are done by Travis, and Weblate is the master of all .po files.

Weblate has an upload feature: use it in case you need to translate outside the Weblate interface for any reason.

Main workflow events
  • .pot files (ie translation templates) are (re)generated by Travis and pushed to GitHub as soon as a change is pushed to a main branch (8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0) in the OCA organisation.
    • This is done in the standalone TRANSIFEX=1 job for backward compatibility. So there is no need to change anything to .travis.yml
    • To make it speedier, you can run add MAKEPOT=1 to the TEST job, and remove the TRANSIFEX=1 job. An example is here.
    • All .pot files have been removed from the main branches and will be regenerated on the next commit. When that happens, all .po files will be refreshed using msgmerge to reflect updated/removed terms. After that, .po files will be managed exclusively by Weblate.
  • Weblate pulls .pot updates from GitHub hourly (at hh:15).
  • When weblate detects changes to a .pot file, it updates the translation (.po) files to reflect the new and removed terms.
  • Translators translate
  • Weblate commits and pushes translations changes older than 24h to GitHub. It does that hourly at hh:00.
  • Weblate looks for new projects and new addons added to existing projects hourly at hh:30. It creates projects and components automatically.
Note branches 6.1 and 7.0 are not supported. If needed, you can still translate them manually using .po files and pull requests.
Thanks to all who contributed, and in particular Adrien Peiffer who started the weblate-odoo-component-generator, and Benjamin Willig (Acsone) who implemented and tested key components during the Sevilla code sprint.
If you see anything suspicious or have questions, send an email to transbot AT (a human may respond :).

Best regards,

Stéphane Bidoul

Translations platform
Acsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul 18 June, 2018
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