OCA Spring Newsletter #2018.2

Greetings Community,

We are half way through the year and the community shows no sign of slowing down. 

We are getting geared up for Odoo Experience in October and our Code Sprint that runs alongside it. Make sure you come and visit us at stand C1.

The Odoo Community Association is open to all, and everyone can contribute to the GitHub repositories. If you feel that the OCA has an important role supporting the open source values and the community efforts, please help us by becoming a Member.

Best wishes,

Rebecca and Daniel

From the Web

Interesting articles regarding Odoo and the software craft in general

Introduction to Git and GitHub for Python Developers – Real Python

Git is one of the most popular version control systems today, and is the one used by Odoo and the Odoo Community. This tutorial walks you how to use Git in conjunction with Github and how to work with other people on larger projects.

Python Debugging With pdb - Real Python

Need help with the crucial art of debugging? This tutorial gives some great tips on to effectively use pdb, Python’s interactive source code debugger.

Odoo Browser Extension for Toggling Debug Mode

This browser extension makes it easy to toggle the Odoo Debug mode, available for Firefox and Chrome. Source code at Github.

Odoo Generates the First Invoice Factur-X filed on Chorus Pro

The French government's electronic invoicing platform Chorus Pro was updated to manage the Factur-X standard. Odoo was at the heart of it. Find out more here.

Practical guide for avoiding burnout and living a happier life

Well aware of the tolls of functioning with the Open Source community, Jono Bacon (author of Art of Community) shares his tips on recognizing the 12 stages of burnout and what you can do to combat it. Find the article here.

Open Source Sustainability

Can the Open Source movement be sustained? Open Source maintainers are exhausted and rarely paid. A new generation wants to change the economics. Danny Crichton explores a number of options for funding maintainers in the hope of keeping the community supported. Read more here.

From the Community

New and noteworthy contributions to the Odoo community 

How to install OCA modules

One of the greatest barriers to the contributors or end users is how to get started with Odoo and how to easily install the OCA module and test them.
This blog post describes some simple ways for users to install OCA modules from the official OCA Github repository. 

New OCA projects

A few new OCA repositories have been created on Github:

New Odoo 11 Activities feature backported to v9 and v10.

The new Odoo 11 feature is being backported to the previous Odoo versions. Pull requests are under review in the Social repository. See #204, for v10, and #286, for v9. 


From the Association

Learn what the OCA board has been working on


OCA Financial Results 2017 and Budget for 2018 

Based on our 2017 results the OCA Board has prepared the budget for 2018, find it here.

New OCA Sponsor: Le Filament

We are pleased to see that more and more companies see the OCA role as very important for their business, and that this translates to more of them supporting the OCA. We would like to welcome the latest OCA Bronze Sponsor: Le Filament from France who use Odoo for many different needs and make use of some of the OCA modules for most of their clients. Asked why they have sponsored the OCA, Remi Cazenave said:
"We are making use of some of the modules developed and maintained by OCA, but also of OpenUpgrade that we used to migrate all of our clients from v9 to v10. We want to thank OCA for helping us doing a better work with our customers through this sponsorship. Eventually, we strongly believe in Open Source communities and we want to contribute to the ones working with the same tools we are proposing, in order to make these stronger and reliable for long-term support of the tools we integrate for our customers"

The OCA thanks you for the support. This kind of help allows the OCA to grow and become stronger.

Board Member Replacement: Rafael Blasco elected to replace Dave Lasley

One of our OCA Board Members has stepped down: Dave Lasley has new challenges to attend and can no longer help us in the day to day management of the OCA. We thank him for his huge contribution while working with us and hope in the future we will have the opportunity to work together again. As a result of this we now have a place for one new Board Member till the current mandate finishes at December 31, 2018.

Applications and election have taken place, and the OCA Delegates elected Rafael Blasco, from Tecnativa,Spain, to take Lasley's place, Our delegates are in the process of submitting applications for a vote in the coming weeks. Check out Rafael's application here.

Community Events

Don't forget that the OCA Event page is regularly updated. You can check there the events organized by the OCA, or where it is being represented. Some noteworthy past events:

  • OCA Sevilla Code Sprint: our Code Sprint, net to the Spanish community's "Jornadas Odoo", is in the way to become a yearly regular event. This year was a success again, with more than 50 participants from several countries, including a group of core developers team from the Odoo R&D team!

  • OpenExpo Europe, Madrid: A huge thanks to our members Rafael Blasco from Tecnativa and Carlos Liébana from Factor Libre for making our presence known at the recent OpenExpo in Madrid. It is great to have the support of our community like this.

We are also involved in a number of upcoming events: Europython, Pycon Ghana, PyCon AuPyCon France, PyCon.De and PyCon Canada.

Odoo Experience 2018

The much anticipated Odoo Experience is coming up in October. The OCA is a Gold sponsor and you will find us at stand C1. You can find out more  about the event on the official website. If you have any ideas or suggestions regarding the OCA's presence in the event, please contact us or post on the Contributors mailing list.

Just before the Odoo Experience, as usual the OCA is organizing the Louvain-la-Neuve Code Sprint. It is the best opportunity to meet and learn with the other community member. Have you registered? You can do shere.

OCA Spring Newsletter #2018.2
MoaHub, Rebecca Gellatly 20 July, 2018
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