OCA Financial Results 2017 and Budget for 2018

2017 Financial Results

A healthy year!


The OCA is evolving in order to improve the management of the Association: New General Secretary, change in the board period duty to natural years, RFQ process and has many projects to share in the coming months.

Year 2017 financial results were good and allowed the association to build some safety financial cushion.

For the current year, the board has prepared a new budget based on the 2017 results.

OCA 2017 Trial Balance

Odoo CMS - a big picture

2017 Financial Overview

Year 2017 was a positive year on a financial point of view thanks to our sponsors and stable expenses.

The year showed a major increase in revenue:

  • Membership amounts to 13KEUR and is increasing steadily (265 Members)

  • Sponsors have helped us with 86KEUR donation (special thanks to Onestein, NV)

  • Onestein, NV gave additional sponsorship funds, beyond the Platinum sponsorship, that were considered extraordinary income, specific for 2017.

Our expenses increased in favor of the community and are self financed:

  • We have invested 23 KEUR for the Openupgrade project

  • We have helped or participated to events with 19KEUR for which we bought about 3K goodies (T-Shirts etc.)

  • Finally we covered running expenses up to 3K

As a consequence our Balance Sheet reflects our good financial health:

  • Doubled our cash reserves from 61KEUR up to 120KEUR

  • Reduced and stable AR / AP

NB: The results are draft and not yet confirmed by the auditors.

OCA Budget 2018

Odoo CMS - a big picture

Investing in the Association development

The following assumptions were made concerning the Revenue:

  • Membership: A little bit more than last year (265)

  • Funding campaign and goodies: No revenue planned

  • Sponsors: Conservative compared with last year (New Sponsor search: 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze)

Our Expenses follow the will of the board to invest more in brand recognition (code sprint) while continuing the effort in Openupgrade migration tools:

  • Infrastructure: One server more needed for Weblate translation system

  • Code Sprints: Odoo OCA code sprints (10K) + Barna (3K) + Madrid (2k) + Extra

  • Development: Migrating OCA website  to v11 (20K) + Extra

  • Marketing: Odoo XP + Several Pycon around the world (10 events x 2k ech)

  • Goodies: T-Shirt + flyers+ other goodies for code sprints

  • External Services: 15K for General Secretary + 3k Designer + 5K SysAdmin + 2K reserve

In summary, expenses are greater then our revenue for the year and we finance the difference with the current cash on hand, still keeping a reasonable level of safety.

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Budget 2018 validated by the Delegates

 A vote has been prepared on our platform Helios in order to seek approval by the delegates for the budget:

  • Question: Do you accept the OCA budget for Fiscal Year 2018? (a copy of the above document for budget 2018 was communicated in the contributors mailing list)

  • Voting period: March 26 to April the 8th 2018

The delegates have approved the budget with the following results:

  • Yes: 26

  • No: 2

  • Abstention: 3

OCA Vision & Achievements

A word from the president

This year several projects have been started to continue to grow our community as announced in a previous post here. At date, those are the achievements so far:

  • We have hired a General Secretary to help the board administrate the association and by doing so, increase the leverage we have for other strategic tasks

  • We have hired a Graphic Designer to be able to deliver the logos and other marketing material we need to promote the association and its contributors

  • We have raised an RFQ for migrating our own Odoo instance to version 11, and thus promote the Openupgrade project for everyone to use it

  • We have raised an RFQ to better promote on our website the contributor and integrator involved in the OCA

  • We published a document about our new release process to encourage integration of new contributors without compromising on quality and overloading current contributors

  • We pushed further the packaging of Odoo community & OCA Apps with the helps of contributors, proposing pip package and debian packages

On a mid-term strategy, the board vision is based on three main pillars:

  • Contributions: Ease the integration of new contributors, helping our community to grow healthily through promoting events, but also a better management of contributions. The new release process is one of the corner stone for such a change

  • Open Source ecosystem: Continue to support an Open Source ecosystem around Odoo, sponsoring the OpenUgrade project and promoting a collaborative developments way through code sprints events

  • Visibility & transparency: Give visibility and reward our contributors and sponsors, helping final customers to understand who is doing what

If you believe in the OCA role in upholding open source and promoting an active community, please show us your support by becoming a member.

OCA Financial Results 2017 and Budget for 2018
Elico Corp, Eric Caudal 2 May, 2018
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