Switzerland mailing list archives



l10n-switzerland + payroll

- 17/08/2020 11:55:38
Dear Swiss OCA community,

I am quite new to Odoo and would like to know more about the Swiss localization process for Odoo CE/Enterprise.

In particular I have a customer that is interested in Odoo Payroll. But the lack of localization makes it difficult to persuade him and finally compete with existing solutions such as from Abacus.

Apart from missing translation the payroll module cannot depict employee specific wage types out-of-the-box. The most important ones are:

* Lohnpfändung
* Quellensteuer
* Krankentaggeld über Zeit

Now I am thinking about the extending the hr contract model with new fields and implement python-based rules for the wage type.
My goal is having a fix data set with salary rules and a odoo module to extend the hr contract.

What is your approach to such a problem? 
Do you already have a solution as I imagine? 
What does the upstream process for localizations look like?
Is anybody interested in collaborating on this problem?

Would be nice to hear from you :)




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Seedorferstrasse 29
6460 Altdorf

Tel: 041 541 78 92
