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Re: Changing quantities and adding products after confirmation of Purchase orders

Efatto.it di Sergio Corato, Sergio Corato
- 15/04/2021 14:42:11
Hi Sylvain,
I have a similar request (not urgent) on Sale order: adding a product on stock move does nothing on sale order, which seems a little confusing for the user.
Sergio Corato

Il giorno gio 15 apr 2021 alle ore 11:26 Sylvain LE GAL <sylvain.legal@grap.coop> ha scritto:
Hi all,

I wonder how, in Odoo 12, handle correctly the change of received quantity and the add of new products, once purchase order has been confirmed.

Here is my context :

- Quantity billed are based on "Delivered Quantity".
- purchase order can be quite big. (> 500 lines).
- After a purchase is confirmed, people receiving goods have to change quantity many time with all the cases possibles :
Case A) received qty > ordered qty
Case B) received qty < ordered qty
Case C) received qty = 0 (out of stock)
Case D) new product received (no ordered).

Typical Case

Ordered Qty Received Qty
Product A - Corner Desk Right Sit 10 12
Product B - Storage Box 20 18
Product C - Cabinet with Doors 30 0
Product D - Pedal Bin 0 100

Draft Purchase Order
Receiving Stock Picking
For case A, B and C, i can change the received values on the stock picking : the received quantity on the purchase order will be correctly updated / computed.
But if I add a new line (new stock.move), the line is not added on the purchase order, and so, the bill will not contain the correct value.


Purchase order, (once the picking is confirmed)
Desired purchase order


The only solution I see for the time being is
- for the case A, B, C : change values on the picking : OK.
- for the case D, add a line on the purchase.order, and then, go to the picking, and then, set the correct received quantity.

That is really not user friendly for end users, and so generates a lot of errors.

- Do you know how to handle the 4 cases in the same screen ?
- Do you know an (OCA) module that could add a purchase.order.line when adding an stock.move on a ready stock.picking ? (not sure it's the good design)

thanks for your help.

Sylvain LE GAL - Twitter
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