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Odoo - back dating of Stock Transfers natively - can you help? (by Jun 30th)

by Ray Carnes <ray@odoo.com> - 30/05/2020 00:43:32

TO LINE: Your names came from the list of Contributors shown on the module "stock_move_backdating" published at https://github.com/OCA/stock-logistics-workflow/tree/10.0/stock_move_backdating

CC LINE: For visibility and also in case there is other wisdom in the Community that others would be willing to share.

Odoo's product team is looking into the feasibility of meeting the requirement "allow users to perform inventory adjustments in the past".

The idea would be to help users who cannot shut down their warehouse operations enough to account for the delay in counting a quantity and getting an approved inventory adjustment validated - during which time the on hand quantity may change (if items are delivered, received, consumed, produced or scrapped prior to the adjustment being validated).

If the count is done at 9pm on Saturday, and the inventory adjustment can't be made at 9pm, then the functionality would allow the user to post the adjustment after 9pm, even a few days later, and back date it to 9pm so that any moves after 9pm are now "pushed" along, in a similar way that Accounting open balances in January can be updated to push the total in other accounts along.

A component of this approach may be to have a lock date to prevent users from going too far back.  Either way, adjustments would not be allowed prior to the Accounting lock date. 

What am I emailing you?

I wondered if any of you are interested in contributing anything you learned (by June 30th) in the maintenance of the module?

Our team could use clarity around how the backdated inventory count should be valued (for all supported cost valuation methods), as well as how to calculate and post the impact the change in count would have on the stock valuation layer and the stock accounting journal entries which would have taken place after 9pm (in my example).

Please let me know if you do (or do not) have any wisdom you could share and I will compile it and send it to our team.

Please remember I will need all feedback by June 30th.

Ray Carnes
Project Delivery

Odoo Inc.
250 Executive Park Blvd. – Suite 3400
San Francisco, CA 94124

** Satellite Office: Los Angeles

Office: +1 (650) 297-4485  
Mobile: +1 (909) 864-4576 (US PST)

Schedule time with me via  https://ray-odoo.appointlet.com/ 
