GDPR mailing list archives


Project code repository and conventions

ClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis
- 23/05/2018 13:43:32

Hello all,

A request was made to create an OCA/data-protection repository.
We avoided using "GDPR" since the features can also be also useful for other jurisdictions, and not only the EU.

But thinking again, wouldn't it be better to use "OCA/data-privacy" ?

Regarding module name conventions:
- For modules extending existing Apps (such as "HR"), the module name prefix should the App name. For example: "hr_private_address".
- In the case of extensions to Partners, the module name prefix should be "partner_", to be consistent with the convention in the OCA/partner-contact repo.
- General Modules not specifically attached to a core App should have a specific prefix. I propose "privacy_" (the "data" word can be considered redundant, and the "protection" word is less specific than "privacy"). Example: "privacy_partner_report".
- We should have a base App for the Data Privacy features. Eficent already proposed it. I propose it to be named "privacy_base".

Looking forward for your comments.


