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Leaving SFL and Odoo developement

by Sandy Carter <> - 03/08/2015 03:45:24

Hello Community,

Friday was my last day as Lead Odoo Developer at Savoir-faire Linux. I am stepping down and moving on from Odoo development.

Sadly. this will mean that as a contributor, reviewer and maintainer at OCA will probably be ending as well.

These past two years were very enjoyable. I made a lot of friends in the community and the OCA has helped me grow as an open source developer. Coming out of university, it was my dream to grow and be part of an Open Source community and with the help of Savoir-faire Linux and the OCA, I was able to achieve that and became involved to a degree I couldn't imagine. I will be forever grateful for this.

I won't go into too much detail about why I am leaving and I won't rant about Odoo either. I like the technical challenges we were faced with and I hope the solutions we have proposed considerably help the community. I just don't see myself as a good match for the product - for ERPs in general. Like many developers, I feel a bit of the imposter syndrome. More than that, though, I want to make a career in more challenging, low-level technologies and for products I see myself using.

For my open pull requests, I will do my best to work with the reviewers have them closed. I will, however, not be pushing to any savoirfairelinux branches anymore, for obvious reasons. For those, you can rely on @max3903, @veloutin, @joaoalf, @Ethaga and @ddufresne. I don't intend to install Odoo at home, so more practical pull requests of mine might be unattended, I recommend you fork them if you need them.

If anyone wishes to contact me, you can email me at this address or find me on github, twitter, or the #OCA room on IRC. I will also probably do a brain dump on my blog about cool stuff you can do with Odoo and IPython or Runbot.

- bwrsandman on

It was a pleasure working with all of you.

Stay Free, Stay Open Source,
Sandy Carter
Open Source Developer
