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Currency exchange as Internal Transfer reconcile

CorporateHub OU, Alexey Pelykh
- 08/09/2020 09:21:26
Dear community,

I’m struggling to figure out the proper way to reconcile following case:

There’s Bank Account A (USD) with balance of 0 USD and Bank Account B (EUR) with balance of 10 EUR. I do a currency exchange with online banking and it becomes 11.79 USD and 0 EUR.
I’m recording this transaction as Internal Transfer in Odoo, transferring 10 EUR from Bank Account B (EUR) to Bank Account A (USD). I can reconcile that in EUR journal since 10 EUR is 10 EUR, but when I try to reconcile USD journal, it has 11.79 USD transaction (from bank statement) but Odoo uses own exchange rate and suggests that there was an operation for 11.81 USD.

I’d expect either to be able to provide own rate (in Internal Transfer), but that’s not really correct. Or the difference to be recorded as realized gain/loss?

What to do in this case?