ERROR: ssh://
purchase_analytic_distribution: The license AGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
analytic_multicurrency: Module not installable
Module account_asset_analytic already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
analytic_secondaxis_project: Module not installable
analytic_secondaxis_timesheet: Module not installable
analytic_department: Module not installable
analytic_secondaxis: Module not installable
Module account_analytic_distribution already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
analytic_secondaxis_multicurrency: Module not installable
account_analytic_line_list: Module not installable
account_analytic_distribution_required: unmet dependency account_analytic_distribution for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
sale_analytic_distribution: unmet dependency account_analytic_distribution for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_analytic_default_purchase already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
budget_invoice: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
budget_crm: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
budget: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
budget: Module not installable
budget_invoice: Module not installable
budget_crm: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
budget: Module not installable
budget_invoice: Module not installable
budget_crm: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_budget_template already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/account-closing#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-closing#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
account_cutoff_accrual_picking: Module not installable
Module account_fiscal_year_closing already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: lp:openobject-italia/6.0, lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0, lp:openobject-italia/6.1.
WARNING: OCA/account-consolidation#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-consolidation#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-consolidation#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-consolidation#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-consolidation#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-consolidation#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-financial-reporting#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-financial-reporting#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_financial_report_date_range for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
account_export_csv: Module not installable
account_journal_report_xls: Module not installable
account_financial_report: Module not installable
account_chart_report: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module partner_statement already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
mis_builder_cash_flow: unmet dependency mis_builder for series 13.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/account-financial-tools#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-financial-tools#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
account_reset_chart: Module not installable
account_journal_always_check_date: Module not installable
currency_rate_date_check: Module not installable
account_tax_update: Module not installable
account_move_line_search_extension: Module not installable
account_move_line_no_default_search: Module not installable
Module account_reversal for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
Module account_asset_disposal for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
account_cancel_invoice_check_payment_order: Module not installable
account_default_draft_move: Module not installable
account_constraints: Module not installable
async_move_line_importer: Module not installable
account_cancel_invoice_check_voucher: Module not installable
Module account_asset_management already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
account_asset_management_import: unmet dependency account_asset_management for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
account_asset_management_xls: unmet dependency account_asset_management for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
account_asset_management_method_number_end: unmet dependency account_asset_management for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_asset_management already exists for another serie. Please use one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_asset_management already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_asset_management already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
account_fiscal_year: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/account-fiscal-rule#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-fiscal-rule#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
account_fiscal_position_rule_stock: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/account-fiscal-rule#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-invoice-reporting#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-invoice-reporting#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
html_invoice_product_note: Module not installable
invoice_print_report_balance_payment: Module not installable
invoice_report_assemble: Module not installable
invoice_webkit: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/account-invoice-reporting#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-invoicing#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
product_customer_code_invoice: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_invoice_analytic_search already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_billing already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:ecosoft-addons/7.0.
Module account_debitnote already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:ecosoft-addons/7.0.
Module account_invoice_change_currency already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
WARNING: OCA/account-payment#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
remote: Internal Server Error.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 500
ERROR: ssh://
account_due_list_payment_mode: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
account_vat_on_payment: Module not installable
Module partner_aging already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:~rcarnes/openerp-shared/7.0.
ERROR: ssh://
Module partner_aging already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:~rcarnes/openerp-shared/7.0.
WARNING: OCA/account-reconcile#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/account-reconcile#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
account_statement_bankaccount_completion: Module not installable
account_statement_ext_point_of_sale: Module not installable
account_statement_cancel_line: Module not installable
account_statement_no_invoice_import: Module not installable
account_statement_base_completion: Module not installable
account_statement_ext: Module not installable
account_statement_regex_account_completion: Module not installable
account_advanced_reconcile_transaction_ref: Module not installable
account_advanced_reconcile_bank_statement: Module not installable
account_statement_ext_voucher: Module not installable
account_statement_commission: Module not installable
account_statement_transactionid_completion: Module not installable
account_statement_transactionid_import: Module not installable
account_statement_completion_voucher: Module not installable
account_statement_one_move: Module not installable
account_payment_transaction_id: Module not installable
account_statement_base_import: Module not installable
account_statement_so_completion: Module not installable
account_statement_completion_label: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
account_statement_cancel_line: Module not installable
account_statement_ext_point_of_sale: Module not installable
account_statement_no_invoice_import: Module not installable
account_statement_ext: Module not installable
account_statement_operation_multicompany: Module not installable
account_statement_regex_account_completion: Module not installable
account_statement_ext_voucher: Module not installable
account_reconcile_payment_order: Module not installable
account_statement_completion_voucher: Module not installable
account_statement_one_move: Module not installable
account_payment_transaction_id: Module not installable
account_bank_statement_period_from_line_date: Module not installable
account_invoice_reference: Module not installable
account_statement_completion_label: Module not installable
account_mass_reconcile_ref_deep_search: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
account_statement_cancel_line: Module not installable
account_statement_ext_point_of_sale: Module not installable
account_move_so_import: Module not installable
account_statement_no_invoice_import: Module not installable
account_statement_ext: Module not installable
account_statement_operation_multicompany: Module not installable
account_statement_regex_account_completion: Module not installable
account_statement_ext_voucher: Module not installable
account_operation_rule: Module not installable
account_move_bankaccount_import: Module not installable
account_reconcile_payment_order: Module not installable
account_statement_completion_voucher: Module not installable
account_statement_one_move: Module not installable
account_payment_transaction_id: Module not installable
account_move_transactionid_import: Module not installable
account_invoice_reference: Module not installable
account_statement_completion_label: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/apps-store#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/apps-store#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/bank-payment#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/bank-payment#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
account_import_line_multicurrency_extension: Module not installable
account_banking_tests: Module not installable
portal_payment_mode: Module not installable
account_payment_mode_term: Module not installable
account_payment_blocking: Module not installable
bank_statement_instant_voucher: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/bank-statement-import#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_bank_statement_import_camt for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
Module account_bank_statement_import_ofx for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
account_bank_statement_import_mt940_nl_ing: Module not installable
base_bank_account_number_unique: Module not installable
Module account_bank_statement_import_qif for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
account_bank_statement_import_mt940_nl_rabo: Module not installable
account_bank_statement_import_camt_details: The license AGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
account_bank_statement_import_txt_xlsx: unmet dependency web_widget_dropdown_dynamic for series 13.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/brand#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/brand#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/calendar#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/calendar#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/calendar#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/calendar#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/calendar#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/commission#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
hr_commission: Module not installable
sale_commission_geo_assign: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
sale_commission_areamanager: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/community-data-files#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector#9.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
connector_base_product: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/connector-accountedge#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
hr_expense_accountedge: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/connector-accountedge#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-accountedge#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-accountedge#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-accountedge#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-accountedge#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-accountedge#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
ERROR: ssh://
cmis_write: Module not installable
cmis_read: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/connector-cmis#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-cmis#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
WARNING: OCA/connector-infor#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-infor#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-infor#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-interfaces#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-interfaces#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-interfaces#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-lengow#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-lengow#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-lengow#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-lengow#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-lims#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-lims#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-lims#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-lims#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-lims#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-lims#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-magento#9.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
magentoerpconnect_options_active: Module not installable
magentoerpconnect_pricing: Module not installable
magentoerpconnect_catalog: Module not installable
magentoerpconnect_order_comment: Module not installable
connector_magento_export_partner: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/connector-magento#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-magento#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-magento#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-odoo2odoo#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-odoo2odoo#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-odoo2odoo#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-odoo2odoo#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-odoo2odoo#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-odoo2odoo#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-prestashop#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-prestashop#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-prestashop#8.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
connector_prestashop_customize_example: Module not installable
connector_prestashop_catalog_manager: Module not installable
connector_prestashop_manufacturer: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/connector-prestashop#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-prestashop#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-prestashop#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: unable to access '': gnutls_handshake() failed: Error in the pull function.
WARNING: OCA/connector-redmine#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-redmine#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-redmine#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-redmine#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-redmine#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-redmine#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-sage#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-sage#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-sage#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-sage#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-sage#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-sage#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-sage#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-sage#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-salesforce#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-salesforce#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-salesforce#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-salesforce#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-salesforce#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-salesforce#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-spscommerce#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-spscommerce#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-spscommerce#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-spscommerce#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-telephony#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
base_phone_popup: unmet dependency web_action_request for series 7.0
ERROR: ssh://
ovh_telephony_connector: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/connector-telephony#11.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
base_sms_client: Module not installable
sms_send_picking: Module not installable
ovh_sms_client: Module not installable
ovh_telephony_connector: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/connector-telephony#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-woocommerce#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-woocommerce#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-woocommerce#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-woocommerce#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/connector-woocommerce#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
WARNING: OCA/contract#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
contract_recurring_analytic_distribution: The license AGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
contract_recurring_analytic_distribution: unmet dependency account_analytic_distribution for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/crm#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/crm#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
crm_lead_sale_link: Module not installable
crm_action: Module not installable
lettermgmt: Module not installable
crm_lead_address_street3: Module not installable
Module crm_claim already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
lettermgmt_hr: Module not installable
partner_withdrawal: Module not installable
Module crm_location_nuts already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
crm_lead_stage_monitoring: Module not installable
newsletter: Module not installable
crm_track_next_action: Module not installable
Module crm_sector already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
crm_claim_code: unmet dependency crm_claim for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
crm_claim_type: unmet dependency crm_claim for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
Module crm_claim already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
crm_claim_code: unmet dependency crm_claim for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/data-protection#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/data-protection#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/data-protection#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/data-protection#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/ddmrp#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/ddmrp#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/delivery-carrier#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/delivery-carrier#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/delivery-carrier#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/delivery-carrier#9.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
delivery_carrier_label_default_webkit: Module not installable
delivery_carrier_file_laposte: Module not installable
delivery_optional_invoice_line: Module not installable
delivery_carrier_label_gls: Module not installable
delivery_carrier_label_dispatch: Module not installable
Module delivery_dropoff_site already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
base_delivery_carrier_files_document: Module not installable
delivery_carrier_file_tnt: Module not installable
base_delivery_carrier_files: Module not installable
delivery_carrier_label_postlogistics_shop_logo: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/department#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/department#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/donation#8.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module donation_thanks already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:philemon/8.0.
WARNING: OCA/donation#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/donation#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/donation#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/dotnet#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/dotnet#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/dotnet#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/dotnet#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/dotnet#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/dotnet#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/e-commerce#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/e-commerce#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
website_sale_product_brand: Module not installable
product_links_goodies: Module not installable
Module website_sale_order_type already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
website_sale_category_megamenu: Module not installable
website_sale_recently_viewed_products: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
base_business_document_import: Module not installable
purchase_order_import_ubl: Module not installable
account_invoice_zugferd: Module not installable
base_business_document_import_phone: Module not installable
sale_stock_order_import: Module not installable
sale_commercial_partner: Module not installable
account_invoice_import_zugferd: Module not installable
base_ubl: Module not installable
sale_order_import_csv: Module not installable
purchase_order_import: Module not installable
sale_order_import: Module not installable
base_ubl_payment: Module not installable
base_business_document_import_stock: Module not installable
base_zugferd: Module not installable
account_invoice_import_invoice2data: Module not installable
sale_order_import_ubl: Module not installable
account_invoice_import: Module not installable
account_invoice_import_ubl: Module not installable
purchase_order_ubl: Module not installable
account_invoice_ubl: Module not installable
sale_order_ubl: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
account_invoice_download is updated before its dependency account_invoice_import. Throw back to the end of the queue.
sale_order_import_ubl is updated before its dependency sale_order_import. Throw back to the end of the queue.
account_invoice_import_invoice2data is updated before its dependency account_invoice_import. Throw back to the end of the queue.
account_invoice_import: unmet dependency onchange_helper for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
account_invoice_import_ubl: unmet dependency account_invoice_import for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
purchase_order_import_ubl is updated before its dependency purchase_order_import. Throw back to the end of the queue.
account_invoice_import_factur-x: unmet dependency account_invoice_import for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
sale_stock_order_import is updated before its dependency sale_order_import. Throw back to the end of the queue.
account_invoice_download_weboob: unmet dependency account_invoice_download for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
account_invoice_download_ovh: unmet dependency account_invoice_download for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
sale_order_import_csv is updated before its dependency sale_order_import. Throw back to the end of the queue.
purchase_order_import: unmet dependency onchange_helper for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
sale_order_import: unmet dependency onchange_helper for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/edi#11.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module website_event_require_login already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
Module event_session for series 11.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/event#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/geospatial#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
geoengine_sale: Module not installable
geoengine_swisstopo: Module not installable
geoengine_maplausanne: Module not installable
geoengine_base_geolocalize: Module not installable
geoengine_geoname_geocoder: Module not installable
geoengine_project: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/hr#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
hr_recruitment_partner: Module not installable
hr_contract_multi_jobs: Module not installable
hr_worked_days_activity: Module not installable
hr_expense_analytic_default: Module not installable
hr_payslip_ytd_amount: Module not installable
hr_webcam: Module not installable
hr_expense_move_date: Module not installable
hr_employee_benefit: Module not installable
hr_job_hierarchy: Module not installable
hr_policy_ot: Module not installable
hr_schedule: Module not installable
hr_contract_state: Module not installable
Module hr_payroll_cancel already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, lp:addons-vauxoo, ssh://
hr_wage_increment: Module not installable
Module hr_recruitment_skill already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:~openerp-community/+junk/hr_recruitment_skill.
hr_policy_presence: Module not installable
hr_policy_absence: Module not installable
Module hr_attendance_rfid for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
hr_payslip_amendment: Module not installable
hr_payslip_move_date: Module not installable
hr_infraction: Module not installable
hr_worked_days_hourly_rate: Module not installable
hr_employee_gravatar: Module not installable
hr_transfer: Module not installable
hr_labour_union: Module not installable
hr_salary_rule_reference: Module not installable
hr_resume: Module not installable
hr_security: Module not installable
hr_department_sequence: Module not installable
hr_policy_group: Module not installable
hr_expense_account_period: Module not installable
hr_contract_hourly_rate: Module not installable
hr_job_categories: Module not installable
hr_payroll_register: Module not installable
hr_salary_rule_variable: Module not installable
hr_employee_reference: Module not installable
hr_contract_init: Module not installable
hr_policy_accrual: Module not installable
hr_payslip_change_state: unmet dependency hr_payroll_cancel for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
hr_expense_analytic_distribution: unmet dependency account_analytic_distribution for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/hr-attendance#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/hr-holidays#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/infrastructure-dns#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/infrastructure-dns#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/infrastructure-dns#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/infrastructure-dns#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/infrastructure-dns#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/interface-github#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/interface-github#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/interface-github#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/knowledge#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: unable to access '': Empty reply from server
ERROR: ssh://
document_reindex: Module not installable
attachments_to_filesystem: Module not installable
document_url: Module not installable
document_no_unique_filenames: Module not installable
document_choose_directory: Module not installable
document_page_multi_company: Module not installable
document_multiple_records: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/l10n-argentina#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-argentina#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-argentina#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-argentina#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-argentina#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-austria#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-austria#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-austria#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-austria#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-belarus#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-belarus#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-belarus#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-belgium#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module l10n_be_partner_kbo_bce for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
account_companyweb: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module l10n_be_partner_kbo_bce for series 12.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/l10n-brazil#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module l10n_br_crm for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_delivery for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_crm_zip for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_account_voucher for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_base for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_account for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_zip for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_product for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_account_payment for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_sale_stock for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_sale for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_stock for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_data_base for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_purchase for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
Module l10n_br_data_account for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openerp-brazil-core-team/
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_br_sale_service: Module not installable
l10n_br_account_product_service: Module not installable
l10n_br_data_account_product: Module not installable
l10n_br_account_service: Module not installable
l10n_br_delivery: Module not installable
l10n_br_stock_account_report: Module not installable
l10n_br_data_account_service: Module not installable
l10n_br_hr_timesheet_invoice: Module not installable
l10n_br_purchase is updated before its dependency l10n_br_stock_account. Throw back to the end of the queue.
l10n_br_stock_account: unmet dependency account_fiscal_position_rule_stock for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
l10n_br_sale_stock: unmet dependency l10n_br_stock_account for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-canada#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_ca_account_profile: unmet dependency account_chart_report for series 7.0
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_ca_qc_hr_payroll: Module not installable
res_partner_attributes_add_SIN: Module not installable
l10n_ca_hr_payroll_account: Module not installable
account_tax_expense_include_unported: Module not installable
l10n_ca_qc_hr_payroll_account: Module not installable
res_partner_attributes_add_NEQ: Module not installable
l10n_ca_account_check_writing: Module not installable
res_partner_attributes_add_BN: Module not installable
res_currency_print_on_check: Module not installable
l10n_ca_hr_payroll: Module not installable
hr_expense_line_supplier_unported: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/l10n-canada#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-canada#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-canada#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-chile#8.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
website_certificate: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/l10n-china#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-china#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-colombia#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-colombia#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-colombia#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-colombia#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-colombia#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-costa-rica#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-costa-rica#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-costa-rica#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-costa-rica#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-costa-rica#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-croatia#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-croatia#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-croatia#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-croatia#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ecuador#8.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module l10n_ec for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ecuador#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ecuador#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ecuador#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-estonia#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-estonia#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-estonia#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ethiopia#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ethiopia#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ethiopia#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ethiopia#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ethiopia#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-finland#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-finland#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-finland#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-france#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_fr_account_fiscal_position_rule: Module not installable
l10n_fr_fec_oca: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
Module l10n_fr_intrastat_product already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: lp:new-report-intrastat/7.0, lp:new-report-intrastat/8.0, lp:new-report-intrastat/6.1, lp:new-report-intrastat/5.0, lp:new-report-intrastat/6.0.
l10n_fr_account_invoice_import_factur-x: unmet dependency account_invoice_import_factur-x for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
Module l10n_fr_intrastat_product already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: lp:new-report-intrastat/7.0, lp:new-report-intrastat/8.0, lp:new-report-intrastat/6.1, lp:new-report-intrastat/5.0, lp:new-report-intrastat/6.0.
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_fr_intrastat_service: unmet dependency intrastat_base for series 13.0. Dependency might be invalid.
l10n_fr_account_tax_unece: unmet dependency account_tax_unece for series 13.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
ERROR: ssh://
Failed to scan repository: Wrong value for loempia.module.license: 'GPL-3 or any other later version'
WARNING: OCA/l10n-greece#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-greece#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-greece#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-greece#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-india#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-india#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-india#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-india#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-india#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-india#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-indonesia#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-iran#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-iran#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-iran#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-iran#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-iran#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-iran#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ireland#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ireland#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ireland#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ireland#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-ireland#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-italy#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_invoice_entry_date for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_DDT_webkit for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_prima_nota_cassa for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_withholding_tax for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_base for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_ricevute_bancarie for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_corrispettivi for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module account_vat_period_end_statement for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module account_invoice_sequential_dates for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_base_crm for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_sale for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module account_central_journal for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module account_fiscal_year_closing for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_partially_deductible_vat for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_CEE_balance_generic for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_vat_registries for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_fiscalcode for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
Module l10n_it_bill_of_entry for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-7.0
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_it_fatturapa_out: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_it_account_tax_kind: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_it_withholding_tax_causali: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_it_fiscal_document_type: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_it_fatturapa: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_it_fatturapa_in: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_it_fatturapa_out: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_it_fatturapa_pec: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_it_fatturapa_out_ddt: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_it_fatturapa_out_stamp: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_it_ddt_delivery: unmet dependency delivery_carrier_partner for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
fiscal_epos_print: The license GPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
Module l10n_jp_address_layout for series 11.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
l10n_jp_country_state: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/l10n-japan#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
remote: Internal Server Error.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 500
ERROR: ssh://
account_payment_import_statement: Module not installable
account_payment_export_multiline: Module not installable
account_payment_import_multiline: Module not installable
core_config: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/l10n-luxemburg#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-luxemburg#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-luxemburg#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-macedonia#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-mexico#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-mexico#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-mexico#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-mexico#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-mexico#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-morocco#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-morocco#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-morocco#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-morocco#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-netherlands#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module l10n_nl_intrastat already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: lp:new-report-intrastat/8.0, lp:new-report-intrastat/7.0, lp:new-report-intrastat/6.1, ssh://, ssh://
WARNING: OCA/l10n-norway#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-norway#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-norway#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-norway#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-norway#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-peru#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-peru#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-peru#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-peru#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-peru#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-peru#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-peru#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-poland#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-poland#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-poland#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-portugal#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-portugal#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-portugal#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-portugal#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-portugal#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-portugal#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-portugal#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-romania#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-slovenia#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-slovenia#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-spain#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module l10n_es for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_es_payment_order: Module not installable
l10n_es_subcontractor_certificate: Module not installable
Module l10n_es for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
l10n_es_pos: Module not installable
l10n_es_aeat_mod130: Module not installable
Module l10n_es_aeat_sii for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
l10n_es_payment_order_confirminet: Module not installable
l10n_es_account_fiscal_year_closing: unmet dependency account_fiscal_year_closing for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
Module l10n_es_aeat_sii for series 11.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_es_account_asset: unmet dependency account_asset_management for series 12.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-switzerland#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-switzerland#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_ch_bank_statement_import_postfinance: The license AGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_ch_pain_direct_debit: Module not installable
l10n_ch_payment_slip_account_statement_base_completion: Module not installable
l10n_ch_credit_control_payment_slip_report: Module not installable
l10n_ch_import_pain002: The license AGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
l10n_ch_payment_slip_layouts: Module not installable
l10n_ch_fds_upload_sepa: The license AGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/l10n-taiwan#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-taiwan#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-taiwan#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-taiwan#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-turkey#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-turkey#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-turkey#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-turkey#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-turkey#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-turkey#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-united-kingdom#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-united-kingdom#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-united-kingdom#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-united-kingdom#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-united-kingdom#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-united-kingdom#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-uruguay#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-uruguay#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-uruguay#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-usa#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-usa#9.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
l10n_us_account_profile: unmet dependency partner_aging for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-usa#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-usa#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-venezuela#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-venezuela#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-venezuela#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-venezuela#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-venezuela#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-venezuela#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-vietnam#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-vietnam#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-vietnam#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-vietnam#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/l10n-vietnam#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
maintenance_equipment_status: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/management-system#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
mgmtsystem_environment: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_audit_audittrail: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_review_audittrail: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_health_safety: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_hazard_audittrail: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_claim_audittrail: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_nonconformity_deptm: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_nonconformity_project: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_nonconformity_claim: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_nonconformity_analytic: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_action_audittrail: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
mgmtsystem_hazard_audittrail: Module not installable
document_page_environment_manual: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_claim: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_info_security_manual: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_nonconformity_analytic: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_nonconformity_claim: Module not installable
document_page_health_safety_manual: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_claim_audittrail: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_health_safety: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_kpi: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_action_audittrail: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_review_audittrail: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_nonconformity_project: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_audit_audittrail: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_nonconformity_deptm: Module not installable
mgmtsystem_environment: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
document_page_work_instruction: unmet dependency document_page for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
document_page_quality_manual is updated before its dependency mgmtsystem_manual. Throw back to the end of the queue.
document_page_procedure: unmet dependency document_page_work_instruction for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
mgmtsystem_manual: unmet dependency document_page for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
mgmtsystem_nonconformity: unmet dependency document_page_procedure for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
mgmtsystem_quality is updated before its dependency mgmtsystem_audit. Throw back to the end of the queue.
mgmtsystem_review: unmet dependency mgmtsystem_nonconformity for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
mgmtsystem_nonconformity_hr: unmet dependency mgmtsystem_nonconformity for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
mgmtsystem_audit: unmet dependency mgmtsystem_nonconformity for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/manufacture#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
ERROR: ssh://
mrp_production_properties: Module not installable
mrp_bom_reference_selection: Module not installable
mrp_production_partner_note: Module not installable
mrp_bom_product_details: Module not installable
mrp_bom_dismantling: Module not installable
mrp_industrial_design_bom: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module quality_control for series 12.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/manufacture-reporting#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
mrp_webkit: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/margin-analysis#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/margin-analysis#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
product_stock_cost_field_report: Module not installable
product_historical_margin_report: Module not installable
product_price_history: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_bom: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_bom_price_history: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_costs_with_bom: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_costs_without_bom: Module not installable
product_historical_margin: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
product_stock_cost_field_report: Module not installable
product_standard_margin: Module not installable
product_historical_margin_report: Module not installable
product_price_history: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_bom: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_bom_price_history: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_costs_with_bom: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_costs_without_bom: Module not installable
product_historical_margin: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
product_cost_incl_costs_without_bom: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_bom: Module not installable
product_historical_margin_report: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_bom_price_history: Module not installable
product_price_history: Module not installable
product_cost_incl_costs_with_bom: Module not installable
product_historical_margin: Module not installable
product_stock_cost_field_report: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_invoice_margin already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
Module sale_margin_security already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
account_invoice_margin_sale: unmet dependency account_invoice_margin for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
sale_margin_delivered: unmet dependency sale_margin_security for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
Module account_invoice_margin already exists for another serie. Please use one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
Module sale_margin_security already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/mis-builder#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/mis-builder-contrib#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/mis-builder-contrib#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/mis-builder-contrib#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/mis-builder-contrib#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/multi-company#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
product_name_unique_per_company: Module not installable
product_autocompany: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
product_name_unique_per_company: Module not installable
stock_production_lot_multi_company: Module not installable
product_autocompany: Module not installable
account_type_multi_company: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
product_autocompany: Module not installable
sales_team_multicompany: Module not installable
product_name_unique_per_company: Module not installable
account_invoice_inter_company: unmet dependency onchange_helper for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
purchase_sale_inter_company: unmet dependency account_invoice_inter_company for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
purchase_sale_inter_company is updated before its dependency account_invoice_inter_company. Throw back to the end of the queue.
account_invoice_inter_company: unmet dependency onchange_helper for series 13.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/operating-unit#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
purchase_request_to_rfq_operating_unit: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
purchase_request_to_requisition_operating_unit: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
mis_builder_operating_unit: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
purchase_request_to_rfq_operating_unit: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
mis_builder_operating_unit: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/partner-contact#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
partner_auto_salesman: Module not installable
firstname_display_name_trigger: Module not installable
portal_partner_merge: Module not installable
Module partner_vat_unique already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
partner_contact_address_detailed: Module not installable
account_partner_merge: Module not installable
Module partner_risk_insurance already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
Module partner_priority already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
Module partner_vat_unique already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/payroll#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module pos_order_return for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
Module pos_loyalty for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
pos_gift_ticket: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module pos_order_return for series 11.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
Module pos_loyalty for series 11.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
pos_order_mgmt: The license AGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/product-attribute#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/product-attribute#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module product_sale_tax_price_included for series 8.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
product_categ_attributes: Module not installable
product_qt: Module not installable
product_lot_foundry: Module not installable
product_pricelist_fixed_price: Module not installable
product_size: Module not installable
product_prices_on_variant: Module not installable
Module product_code_unique already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:~dieck/openobject-addons/dieck-6.0.
product_search_reference: Module not installable
product_custom_attributes: Module not installable
product_series: Module not installable
product_electronic: Module not installable
product_gift: Module not installable
product_attribute_multi_type: Module not installable
product_index: Module not installable
product_listprice_upgrade: Module not installable
product_customer_code: Module not installable
product_quick_stock_rule: Module not installable
product_gtin: Module not installable
production_lot_custom_attributes: Module not installable
product_catalog_report: Module not installable
Module product_multi_image already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
partner_custom_attributes: Module not installable
product_multi_price: Module not installable
product_icecat: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module product_code_unique already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:~dieck/openobject-addons/dieck-6.0.
Module product_secondary_unit already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
product_sequence: unmet dependency product_code_unique for series 13.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/product-kitting#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/product-kitting#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/product-kitting#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/product-kitting#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/product-kitting#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/product-kitting#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/product-kitting#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/product-kitting#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module product_pack already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, lp:~domsense/domsense-agilebg-addons/6.1.
sale_product_pack: unmet dependency product_pack for series 12.0. Dependency might be invalid.
stock_product_pack: unmet dependency product_pack for series 12.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/product-variant#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/product-variant#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module product_variant_default_code already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
Module product_variant_default_code already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
Module product_variant_default_code already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/project#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module project_action_item for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module service_desk_issue for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module project_closing for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module project_issue_block_report_webkit for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module service_desk for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module project_task_materials for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module project_categ_issue for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module project_functional_block for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module project_categ for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module project_issue_baseuser for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module project_issue_task for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module sale_project_base for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module project_baseuser for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
Module project_classification for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:project-service/7.0
ERROR: ssh://
project_sla: Module not installable
service_desk_issue: Module not installable
service_desk: Module not installable
analytic_hours_block: Module not installable
project_categ_issue: Module not installable
project_timesheet_analytic_partner: Module not installable
project_analytic_line_view: Module not installable
project_functional_block: Module not installable
Module project_task_add_very_high for series 9.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
project_service_type: Module not installable
project_categ: Module not installable
Module project_task_delegate already exists for another serie. Please use one of these repositories: ssh://, lp:julius-openobject-addons/7.0.
project_issue_baseuser: Module not installable
Module project_issue_code for series 9.0 belongs to another repository:
project_recalculate: Module not installable
project_gtd: Module not installable
project_baseuser: Module not installable
Module project_change_state already exists for another serie. Please use this repository: ssh://
sale_order_project: Module not installable
project_classification: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
project_sla: Module not installable
analytic_hours_block: Module not installable
project_classification: Module not installable
project_functional_block: Module not installable
project_issue_baseuser: Module not installable
project_issue_task: Module not installable
project_categ_issue: Module not installable
project_baseuser: Module not installable
Module project_issue_code for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
service_desk_issue: Module not installable
Module project_task_add_very_high for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
project_timesheet_analytic_partner: Module not installable
service_desk: Module not installable
project_service_type: Module not installable
project_analytic_line_view: Module not installable
Module project_wbs already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
project_categ: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module project_category already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://, lp:~eficent/eficent-openerp-project-management/6.0.
Module project_risk already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: lp:~openerp-project-extensions-team/openerp-project-extensions/trunk, lp:~openerp-community/+junk/project_risk.
Module project_task_add_very_high already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
Module project_wbs already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
project_task_send_by_mail: unmet dependency project_task_report for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
project_task_digitized_signature: unmet dependency project_task_report for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
Module project_category already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://, lp:~eficent/eficent-openerp-project-management/6.0.
Module project_status already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
Module project_task_add_very_high already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
project_timeline_hr_timesheet is updated before its dependency project_timeline. Throw back to the end of the queue.
project_timeline: unmet dependency web_timeline for series 13.0. Dependency might be invalid.
project_timeline_task_dependency: unmet dependency project_timeline for series 13.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/project-agile#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/project-agile#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/project-agile#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/project-agile#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/project-reporting#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/project-reporting#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/project-reporting#8.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
project_billing_utils: Module not installable
project_indicators: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
project_billing_utils: Module not installable
project_indicators: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/purchase-reporting#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/purchase-reporting#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
purchase_order_webkit: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
purchase_order_webkit_with_notes: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
purchase_order_webkit: Module not installable
purchase_order_webkit_with_notes: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
purchase_order_webkit_with_notes: Module not installable
purchase_order_webkit: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/purchase-workflow#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/purchase-workflow#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
purchase_multi_picking: Module not installable
purchase_landed_costs: Module not installable
mrp_smart_purchase: Module not installable
Module purchase_requisition_type for series 8.0 belongs to another repository:
purchase_delivery_term: Module not installable
purchase_order_force_number: Module not installable
purchase_group_orders: Module not installable
Module purchase_order_type for series 8.0 belongs to another repository:
purchase_group_hooks: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
purchase_partner_invoice_method: Module not installable
purchase_rfq_bid_workflow: Module not installable
procurement_batch_generator: Module not installable
vendor_consignment_stock: Module not installable
purchase_requisition_transport_document: Module not installable
purchase_requisition_multicurrency: Module not installable
framework_agreement: Module not installable
purchase_multi_picking: Module not installable
purchase_delivery_term: Module not installable
purchase_requisition_delivery_address: Module not installable
purchase_requisition_auto_rfq_bid_selection: Module not installable
purchase_origin_address: Module not installable
mrp_smart_purchase: Module not installable
purchase_order_force_number: Module not installable
purchase_group_hooks: Module not installable
purchase_partial_invoicing: Module not installable
Module purchase_landed_cost already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
Module purchase_order_line_sequence already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
purchase_delivery_address: Module not installable
purchase_all_shipments: Module not installable
Module procurement_purchase_no_grouping already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
Module purchase_order_analytic_search already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
purchase_order_type: Module not installable
purchase_requisition_bid_selection: Module not installable
purchase_group_orders: Module not installable
Module purchase_product_multi_add already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
purchase_requisition_auto_rfq: Module not installable
purchase_transport_document: Module not installable
purchase_last_price_info: Module not installable
purchase_request_to_rfq_order_approved: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/report-print-send#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/report-print-send#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
pingen_document: Module not installable
pingen: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
pingen: Module not installable
pingen_document: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/reporting-engine#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/reporting-engine#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
base_report_assembler: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
base_report_assembler: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/rest-framework#10.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
base_rest: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
base_rest_demo: unmet dependency base_rest for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/rma#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/rma#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module rma for series 8.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
crm_rma_lot_mass_return: Module not installable
crm_claim_ext: Module not installable
crm_claim_categ_as_name: Module not installable
crm_rma_by_shop: Module not installable
crm_rma_advance_location: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
crm_rma_stock_location: Module not installable
crm_rma_advance_location: Module not installable
crm_claim_categ_as_name: Module not installable
crm_rma_lot_mass_return: Module not installable
crm_rma_by_shop: Module not installable
crm_claim_ext: Module not installable
crm_claim_rma is updated before its dependency crm_claim_rma_code. Throw back to the end of the queue.
crm_claim_rma_code: unmet dependency crm_claim_type for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/runbot-addons#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/runbot-addons#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/runbot-addons#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/runbot-addons#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/runbot-addons#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/runbot-addons#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-financial#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-financial#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-financial#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-financial#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-financial#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-financial#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-financial#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-financial#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-reporting#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-reporting#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
sale_note_flow: Module not installable
html_sale_product_note: Module not installable
sale_order_webkit: Module not installable
sale_order_proforma_webkit: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
sale_note_flow: Module not installable
sale_comment_template: Module not installable
html_sale_product_note: Module not installable
sale_order_webkit: Module not installable
sale_order_proforma_webkit: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
sale_order_webkit: Module not installable
sale_note_flow: Module not installable
html_sale_product_note: Module not installable
sale_order_proforma_webkit: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/sale-reporting#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-reporting#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/sale-workflow#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
mail_quotation: Module not installable
product_special_type_invoice: Module not installable
product_special_type: Module not installable
sale_condition_text: Module not installable
product_special_type_sale: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module sale_promotion_rule already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
Module sale_global_discount already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://
Module sale_order_general_discount already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:serviciosbaeza-openerp-addons/6.0.
Module sale_order_archive already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
sale_stock_delivery_address: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
sale_order_secondary_unit: unmet dependency product_secondary_unit for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
sale_order_product_recommendation_secondary_unit: unmet dependency sale_order_secondary_unit for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
sale_stock_secondary_unit: unmet dependency sale_order_secondary_unit for series 11.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
sale_stock_delivery_address: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
connector_algolia is updated before its dependency connector_search_engine. Throw back to the end of the queue.
connector_elasticsearch is updated before its dependency connector_search_engine. Throw back to the end of the queue.
connector_search_engine: unmet dependency base_jsonify for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
connector_algolia is updated before its dependency connector_search_engine. Throw back to the end of the queue.
connector_elasticsearch is updated before its dependency connector_search_engine. Throw back to the end of the queue.
connector_search_engine: unmet dependency base_jsonify for series 12.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
connector_algolia is updated before its dependency connector_search_engine. Throw back to the end of the queue.
connector_elasticsearch is updated before its dependency connector_search_engine. Throw back to the end of the queue.
connector_search_engine: unmet dependency base_jsonify for series 13.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/server-auth#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/server-auth#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/server-auth#10.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
auth_api_key: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/server-brand#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/server-env#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/server-tools#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module mail_server_relay_disallowed already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
Module onchange_helper already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
Module base_jsonify already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/server-ux#10.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
mail_compose_select_lang: Module not installable
website_livechat_firstname: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
mail_full_expand: Module not installable
mail_restrict_follower_selection: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
mail_compose_select_lang: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-barcode#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-barcode#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
barcode_link: Module not installable
tr_barcode_on_product: Module not installable
Module product_barcode_generator for series 8.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
tr_barcode: Module not installable
tr_barcode_field: Module not installable
tr_barcode_on_tracking: Module not installable
tr_barcode_on_picking: Module not installable
tr_barcode_on_prodlots: Module not installable
tr_barcode_config: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
product_multi_ean: Module not installable
barcode_link: Module not installable
tr_barcode_on_product: Module not installable
tr_barcode: Module not installable
tr_barcode_field: Module not installable
tr_barcode_on_tracking: Module not installable
tr_barcode_on_picking: Module not installable
base_gs1_barcode: Module not installable
tr_barcode_on_prodlots: Module not installable
tr_barcode_config: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
barcode_link: Module not installable
base_gs1_barcode: Module not installable
product_multi_ean: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-barcode#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-reporting#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
ERROR: ssh://
stock_picking_webkit: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-reporting#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-reporting#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-reporting#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-tracking#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module stock_tracking_add_remove for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:stock-logistic-tracking/7.0
Module stock_move_split_default for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:stock-logistic-tracking/7.0
Module stock_tracking_swap for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:stock-logistic-tracking/7.0
Module stock_inventory_sequence for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:stock-logistic-tracking/7.0
Module stock_tracking_add_remove_pack for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:stock-logistic-tracking/7.0
Module stock_tracking_extended for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:stock-logistic-tracking/7.0
Module stock_product_category_tracked for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:stock-logistic-tracking/7.0
Module stock_tracking_state for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:stock-logistic-tracking/7.0
Module stock_tracking_child for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:stock-logistic-tracking/7.0
Module stock_tracking_prodlot for series 7.0 belongs to another repository: lp:stock-logistic-tracking/7.0
ERROR: ssh://
stock_tracking_add_remove: Module not installable
stock_move_split_default: Module not installable
stock_tracking_swap: Module not installable
stock_barcode_reader: Module not installable
stock_inventory_sequence: Module not installable
stock_tracking_add_move: Module not installable
stock_tracking_add_remove_pack: Module not installable
stock_tracking_extended: Module not installable
stock_product_category_tracked: Module not installable
stock_tracking_state: Module not installable
stock_tracking_child: Module not installable
stock_move_packaging: Module not installable
stock_tracking_reopen: Module not installable
stock_tracking_prodlot: Module not installable
stock_tracking_swap_pack: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-tracking#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-tracking#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-tracking#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-tracking#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-tracking#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-transport#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-transport#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-transport#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-transport#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-transport#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-transport#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module stock_available_immediately for series 6.1 belongs to another repository: lp:~stock-logistic-core-editors/stock-logistic-warehouse/6.1
Module stock_orderpoint_creator for series 6.1 belongs to another repository: lp:~stock-logistic-core-editors/stock-logistic-warehouse/6.1
Module configurable_stock_level for series 6.1 belongs to another repository: lp:~stock-logistic-core-editors/stock-logistic-warehouse/6.1
Module stock_inventory_extended for series 6.1 belongs to another repository: lp:~stock-logistic-core-editors/stock-logistic-warehouse/6.1
Module base_product_merge for series 6.1 belongs to another repository: lp:~stock-logistic-core-editors/stock-logistic-warehouse/6.1
Module stock_inventory_existing_lines for series 6.1 belongs to another repository: lp:~stock-logistic-core-editors/stock-logistic-warehouse/6.1
Module stock_inventory_with_location for series 6.1 belongs to another repository: lp:~stock-logistic-core-editors/stock-logistic-warehouse/6.1
Module stock_move_location for series 6.1 belongs to another repository: lp:~stock-logistic-core-editors/stock-logistic-warehouse/6.1
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-workflow#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/stock-logistics-workflow#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
stock_move_description: Module not installable
picking_dispatch_wave: Module not installable
stock_obsolete: Module not installable
product_serial: Module not installable
stock_picking_priority: Module not installable
stock_location_flow_creator: Module not installable
stock_picking_deliver_uos: Module not installable
stock_sale_filters: Module not installable
stock_batch_picking: Module not installable
stock_transfer_split_multi: Module not installable
stock_dropshipping_dual_invoice: Module not installable
stock_picking_mass_assign: Module not installable
stock_move_on_hold: Module not installable
stock_picking_compute_delivery_date: Module not installable
Module stock_picking_customer_ref already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
stock_inventory_retry_assign: Module not installable
Module stock_cancel already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: lp:andreacometa-addons/6.1, lp:~scigghiateam/openerp/public, lp:andreacometa-addons/7.0.
stock_cancel_delivery: unmet dependency stock_cancel for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
storage_media: Module not installable
storage_image_product_pos: Module not installable
storage_media_product: Module not installable
storage_image_category_pos: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
storage_media: Module not installable
storage_image_product_pos: Module not installable
storage_media_product: Module not installable
storage_image_category_pos: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module survey_percent_question already exists for another serie. Please use this repository:
Module survey_one_choice_per_column already exists for another serie. Please use this repository:
WARNING: OCA/survey#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/survey#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/timesheet#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/timesheet#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
hr_timesheet_print: Module not installable
hr_attendance_analysis: Module not installable
hr_timesheet_reminder: Module not installable
hr_timesheet_fulfill: Module not installable
Module hr_timesheet_no_closed_project_task for series 8.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
hr_timesheet_fulfill: Module not installable
hr_attendance_analysis: Module not installable
hr_timesheet_activity_begin_end: Module not installable
crm_timesheet: Module not installable
hr_timesheet_holidays: Module not installable
hr_timesheet_reminder: Module not installable
timesheet_task: Module not installable
hr_timesheet_sheet_change_period: Module not installable
hr_timesheet_print: Module not installable
hr_timesheet_improvement: Module not installable
hr_timesheet_task: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/timesheet#11.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
hr_timesheet_sheet_attendance: unmet dependency hr_timesheet_sheet for series 12.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
Module hr_timesheet_sheet already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://, ssh://, ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
WARNING: OCA/vertical-abbey#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-abbey#9.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module mass already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:philemon/8.0.
Module stay already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: lp:philemon/8.0.
donation_mass: unmet dependency mass for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
donation_stay: unmet dependency stay for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
stay_report_py3o: unmet dependency stay for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-agriculture#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-agriculture#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-agriculture#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-agriculture#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-agriculture#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-agriculture#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module membership_prorrate_variable_period for series 8.0 belongs to another repository:
ERROR: ssh://
membership_initial_fee: Module not installable
membership_prorrate: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module membership_prorrate_variable_period already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/vertical-community#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-community#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-community#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-community#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-community#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-community#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-construction#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-construction#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
crm_construction_architect: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/vertical-construction#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-construction#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-construction#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-construction#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-construction#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-edition#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-edition#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-edition#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-edition#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-edition#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-education#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-education#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-education#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-education#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-education#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-education#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-education#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-hotel#6.1 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
report_hotel_reservation: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
hotel_housekeeping: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
board_frontdesk: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
report_hotel_restaurant: Module not installable
report_hotel_reservation: Module not installable
Module board_frontdesk for series 8.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
hotel: Module not installable
hotel_housekeeping: Module not installable
hotel_restaurant: Module not installable
hotel_reservation: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
report_hotel_restaurant: Module not installable
report_hotel_reservation: Module not installable
board_frontdesk: Module not installable
hotel: Module not installable
hotel_housekeeping: Module not installable
hotel_restaurant: Module not installable
hotel_reservation: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module hotel for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
Module hotel_housekeeping for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
Module hotel_restaurant for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
Module hotel_reservation for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
report_hotel_restaurant is updated before its dependency report_hotel_reservation. Throw back to the end of the queue.
Module report_hotel_reservation for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
Module board_frontdesk for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/vertical-isp#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-isp#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-isp#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-isp#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-isp#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
medical_medication_us: Module not installable
medical_pharmacy_us: Module not installable
medical_medicament: Module not installable
medical_prescription: Module not installable
medical_prescription_sale: Module not installable
medical_medicament_attributes: Module not installable
medical_pharmacy: Module not installable
medical_disease: Module not installable
medical_prescription_thread: Module not installable
medical_medication: Module not installable
medical_insurance_us: Module not installable
medical_prescription_state: Module not installable
medical_agpl: The license GPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
medical_practitioner_us is updated before its dependency medical_base_us. Throw back to the end of the queue.
medical_base_us: unmet dependency medical_agpl for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
logistic_requisition: unmet dependency purchase_requisition_extended for series 7.0
framework_agreement_sourcing: unmet dependency logistic_requisition for series 7.0
framework_agreement_requisition: unmet dependency purchase_requisition_extended for series 7.0
logistic_requisition_budget: unmet dependency logistic_requisition for series 7.0
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
WARNING: OCA/vertical-ngo#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-ngo#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-ngo#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-ngo#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-ngo#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-realestate#8.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Error when updating git from
returncode: 128
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
ERROR: ssh://
travel_journey_rail: Module not installable
airline_data: Module not installable
travel_journey_other: Module not installable
travel_accommodation: Module not installable
travel_rental_service: Module not installable
travel_journey_plane: Module not installable
railway_company: Module not installable
travel_rental_car: Module not installable
railway_station: Module not installable
airline: Module not installable
travel_hr: Module not installable
travel_purchase: Module not installable
travel_passport: Module not installable
passport_expiration: Module not installable
airport: Module not installable
motor_vehicle: Module not installable
travel_journey_hr: Module not installable
airport_data: Module not installable
transportation: Module not installable
WARNING: OCA/vertical-travel#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-travel#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-travel#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-travel#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/vertical-travel#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/web#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/web#7.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
web_polymorphic_many2one: Module not installable
web_popup_large: Module not installable
web_search_alphabetic: Module not installable
Module web_favicon for series 8.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
web_color: Module not installable
Module web_group_expand for series 8.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
web_confirm_window_close: Module not installable
web_send_message_popup: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
web_ckeditor4: Module not installable
web_menu_navbar_needaction: Module not installable
help_popup: Module not installable
web_dashboard_open_action: Module not installable
web_recipients_uncheck: Module not installable
web_context_in_colors: Module not installable
web_option_auto_color: Module not installable
web_dom_model_classes: Module not installable
web_sheet_full_width_selective: Module not installable
web_search_alphabetic: Module not installable
web_polymorphic_many2one: Module not installable
web_widget_text_markdown: Module not installable
web_group_expand: Module not installable
web_last_viewed_records: Module not installable
web_confirm_window_close: Module not installable
web_ir_actions_act_window_page: Module not installable
web_switch_company_warning: Module not installable
Module web_dashboard_tile for series 9.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
help_popup: Module not installable
web_dashboard_open_action: Module not installable
web_recipients_uncheck: Module not installable
web_context_in_colors: Module not installable
web_option_auto_color: Module not installable
web_dom_model_classes: Module not installable
Module web_fullscreen already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
web_widget_datepicker_options: Module not installable
web_sheet_full_width_selective: Module not installable
web_search_alphabetic: Module not installable
web_duplicate_visibility: Module not installable
web_polymorphic_many2one: Module not installable
Module web_widget_slick already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
web_group_expand: Module not installable
web_last_viewed_records: Module not installable
web_dashboard_tile: Module not installable
web_widget_slickroom: unmet dependency web_widget_slick for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
web_widget_slick_example: unmet dependency web_widget_slickroom for series 10.0. Dependency might be invalid.
ERROR: ssh://
Module web_group_expand already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
WARNING: OCA/web#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webhook#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webhook#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webhook#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webhook#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webhook#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webkit-tools#6.1 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webkit-tools#7.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webkit-tools#9.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webkit-tools#10.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webkit-tools#11.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webkit-tools#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/webkit-tools#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
Module website_multi_image for series 8.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
Module website_crm_recaptcha for series 8.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
website_hr_department: Module not installable
website_menu_by_user_status: Module not installable
website_portal_purchase: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
website_blog_facebook_comment: Module not installable
website_menu_multilang: Module not installable
website_sale_order_company: Module not installable
Module website_google_tag_manager for series 9.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
website_analytics_piwik: Module not installable
website_sale_unsaleable_options: Module not installable
website_portal_sale_v10: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
website_blog_excerpt_img: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
website_backend_views: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
website_hr_department: Module not installable
website_menu_multilang: Module not installable
website_blog_facebook_comment: Module not installable
website_portal_contact: Module not installable
website_sale_order_company: Module not installable
Module website_odoo_debranding for series 10.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
website_menu_by_user_status: Module not installable
website_backend_views: Module not installable
website_portal_purchase: Module not installable
website_sale_unsaleable_options: Module not installable
website_forum_censored: Module not installable
ERROR: ssh://
Module website_google_tag_manager for series 11.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
Module website_snippet_timeline already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and this repository: ssh://
ERROR: ssh://
Module website_google_tag_manager already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
Module website_megamenu for series 12.0 belongs to another repository: ssh://
website_blog_excerpt_img: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply with the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
ERROR: ssh://
Module website_google_tag_manager already exists for another serie. Please select a free module name or use the right account and one of these repositories: ssh://, ssh://, ssh://
WARNING: OCA/website-cms#8.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/website-cms#9.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
cms_form: The license LGPL-3 conflicts with one of its dependencies. Please make sure that you comply to the licenses compatibility. See our FAQ at .
WARNING: OCA/website-cms#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/website-cms#13.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/website-themes#12.0 not registered in this account.
WARNING: OCA/website-themes#13.0 not registered in this account.
ERROR: ssh://
wms: unmet dependency stock_location_attribute for series 12.0. Dependency might be invalid.
wms_demo: unmet dependency wms for series 12.0. Dependency might be invalid.